Episode 147: USS Callister

Episode 147: USS Callister

Synthaholics Episode 147: USS Callister

It’s 2018 and we are back. Discovery returns in less then a week, and before we jump back into that we thought it would be fun to talk about the latest homage/parody of Star Trek with USS Callister the first episode of the latest season of Black Mirror. Aaron and David are big fans for Black Mirror and so we had a great time getting to discuss a Black Mirror episode for the podcast and it’s so much fun that it is an episode with strong ties to Star Trek.

We recommend you logging on to Netflix to check out Episode 1 of Season 4 of Black Mirror to see USS Callister before you listen to this episode because we go full on spoilers for USS Callister. Grab your favorite holiday drink it’s time for your first Synthaholics of 2018!

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Episode 146: Knerds of the Round Table: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Episode 146: Knerds of the Round Table: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Episode 146: Knerds of the Round Table: Star Wars The Last Jedi

The Knerds of the Round Table are back after a long break to discuss the Star Wars the Last Jedi. Warning this podcast contains MASSIVE SPOILERS for Star Wars The Last Jedi, so listen at your own risk. However we do give our non spoiler reactions first before diving into deep spoiler territory. Knerds of the Round Table a collaboration of epic proportions as members of Synthaholics, Back Issues Comic Book Podcast, and The Nerdynomicon converge to give you a Geek Roundtable discussion with many thoughts and varying opinions on our topic! Time to turn your milk green because it’s time for your once yearly shot of Star Wars!


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The Back Issues Comic Book Podcast

The Nerdynomicon


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Episode 145: The Prime Directive Part 1

Episode 145: The Prime Directive Part 1

Synthaholics Episode 145: The Prime Directive Part 1

After talking about Ransom and Janeway both admitted to bending the prime directive last week. Aaron pitched the idea of talking about the prime directive. We thought this was a great idea but we decided it was too big to cover in one go so we will be doing multiple episodes about the prime directive.

This week we discuss the basics of what the prime directive is as well as some inconsistencies and exceptions to the rule. Specifically we get into General Order 24 and a little bit into the Omega Directive. We hope you are thirsty it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Synthaholics Episode 144: Janeway, Ransom, and the Equinox

Episode 144: Janeway, Ransom, and the Equinox

Episode 144: Janeway, Ransom, and the Equinox

This week we have a request to talk about the Star Trek Voyager Episode Equinox. This request came from the Synthaholics Facebook group around when Episode 4 of Star Trek Discovery aired. Comparisons were made between Captain Ransom and Lorca so we thought this would be a fun episode to touch on while Star Trek Discovery is still fresh in our minds. If you ever make contact with a green floating alien don’t try to make fuel out of it! If you are looking for drink ideas check out the Synthaholics YouTube channel. There you will find some drink to try while you enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 143: TNG The Measure of a Man with Kipleigh Brown

 Episode 143: The Measure of a Man with Kipleigh Brown

Episode 143: The Measure of a Man with Kipleigh Brown

Kipleigh Brown joins Aaron and David this week to talk the Star Trek The Next Generation episode The Measure of a Man. Kipleigh brings some fantastic quotes from the episode as well as some fascinating discussion points.

Some of those point include deep discussion on robotics, artificial intelligence, and the double slit experiment. We hope you join us for a great discussion on one of the best episodes from the second season of The Next Generation! Pull out your finest android friendly drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Please Support and Follow When the Train Stops

You can find Kipleigh online

If you haven’t seen Star Trek Continues please check it out here

Please take 6 minutes and watch RUR: Genesis directed by James Kerwin and featuring Kipleigh Brown http://www.heliconarts.com/rur/

Here are some videos discussed in this week episodes.
Double Slit experiment

Is God a Mathematician

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you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 142: To Boldly Go When the Train Stops with Kipleigh Brown, Lisa Hansell and James Kerwin

Episode 142: To Boldly Go When the Train Stops with Kipleigh Brown, Lisa Hansell and James Kerwin

Synthaholics Episode 142: To Boldly Go When the Train Stops with Kipleigh Brown, Lisa Hansell and James Kerwin

This week we welcome Kipleigh Brown, Lisa Hansell, and James Kerwin to discus the Star Trek Continues Series finale To Boldly Go and the upcoming short film When the Train Stops! We had a great time talking with our guests about the passion and attention to detail that makes Star Trek Continues come alive, and how emotionally charged the series finale was.

Last time James and Kipleigh joined us on the show they teased an upcoming project called When the Train Stops today we get to hear Lisa expand a bit on the project. We learn who the principal actors will be and that the film will have a twilight zone like feel to it. The conversation with James, Kipliegh and Lisa was fantastically fun and we hope you all enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our Guest’s Links

Please Support and Follow When the Train Stops

You can find Kipleigh online

You can Find Lisa online

You can find James online

If you haven’t seen Star Trek Continues please check it out here

Please take 6 minutes and watch RUR: Genesis directed by James Kerwin and featuring Kipleigh Brown https://vimeo.com/73724661

Synthaholics Links
Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 141: Into The Forest I Go

Episode 141: Into The Forest I Go

Episode 141: Into The Forest I Go

Star Trek Discovery comes to its mid season finale with Into the Forest I Go. The first chapter of season one comes to a close, luckily the wait won’t be too long for the second chapter of season one! Aaron and David first talk a bit of news and non spoiler reactions to the episode before the episode synopsis and the spoiler filled episode discussion.

Everything about the episode is fantastic, the writing, the acting, the terrific fight scene it all comes together for an absolutely fantastic mid season finale! We hope you brought lots to drink and a bag full of bread crumbs because it’s time to go into the forest for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 140: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

Episode 140: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

Synthaholics Episode 140: Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

Aaron and David are back to discus “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” or if you want peace prepare for war. This week we get our first planetary away mission since the opening of “The Vulcan Hello”, more Klingons, and Admiral Cornwell! Saru is leading the landing party and much of the episode is a character study on our Kelpien officer as we start to learn much more about him. We only have one more episode until the midseason finale and this Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum feels like the first part of a two or three part episode. Grab a drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Synthaholics Episode 139: Star Trek Discovery Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad

Episode 139: Star Trek Discovery Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad

Synthaholics Episode 139: Star Trek Discovery Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad

Mudd is back in episode seven of Star Trek Discovery “Magic to Make the Sanest Man go Mad”! Previously in  “Choose your Pain” Mudd promised Lorca that he would have his revenge, and his revenge is had many times over. Aaron and David talk this week about how layered this episode is. This episode has some basic story and visual cues back to the Star Trek the Next Generation episode “Cause and Effect” but there is so much more to this story then just the time loop. There is the why, the how along with some story threads that we didn’t really see coming. It’s time to practice your beer pong and find your space glowing green solo cups it’s time for you weekly Star Trek keg party!

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Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Synthaholics Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Aaron and David are back to discuss Star Trek Discovery Episode 6 “Lethe”. This week was heavy on character building and it was a nice change of pace compared to the last several episodes. Lethe was such a fascinating ride where we learn more about Michael, Lorca, Ash, and Sarek. Lethe didn’t seem to do a whole lot of advancing the overall story this week but it was for sure setting up the chess board. We can’t wait to see what all this leads to in the upcoming episodes! So far the end of each episode this season always leaves us wanting more, this episode is no exception. With only have three more episodes before the show goes on break we wonder how they will keep upping the ante. We hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek.

Synthaholics Links

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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A Star Trek Podcast