Synthaholics Episode 127: The Ballad of Harry Mudd

 Episode 127: The Ballad of Harry Mudd

Synthaholics Episode 127: The Ballad of Harry Mudd

This week we discuss the Ballad of Harry Mudd. Harcourt Fenton Mudd appeared three times in Star Trek’s past and will be appearing in the upcoming Star Trek Discovery. So in preparation we are talking about the Star Trek The Original Series episodes Mudd’s Women and I, Mudd as well as the Star Trek Animated Series episode Mudd’s Passion.

Before we get started we talk about the unfortunate news of LeVar Burton being sued over a catch phrase. After the news we quickly give the synopsis for each of the three episodes then get deep into our Mudd discussion. Harry is a really fun character even if his episodes weren’t the greatest.

We are excited to see how Rainn Wilson’s take on Mudd will be in Discovery and we are very much hoping his personality will be intact. It’s that time of the week again break out the liquors and make your favorite drinks because it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 126: Cause and Effect with Joe DePinto live from STLV

Episode 126: Cause and Effect with Joe DePinto live from STLV

Episode 126: Cause and Effect with Joe DePinto live from STLV

This week we talk Cause and Effect with Joe DePinto live from STLV. STLV is the Star Trek Las Vegas convention it is the largest Star Trek Con in the United States. Since Joe was still at the convention when we recorded this week he tells us what he has been up to at the con.

The stories from the con are great and one of Joe’s favorite episodes is the Star Trek The Next Generation episode Cause and Effect. This is a very fun episode that uses time travel in a new way for its time. If you think this is a copy of Groundhog Day this episode actually came out first!

Once we break down the episode we get into a discussion about our experiences with Déjà vu. The talk of Déjà vu makes David think of his fascination with the mandela effect. We go over a few examples of this effect and what the theory of how so many people can have false memories. Grab your favorite drink and your cards it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Synthaholics Episode 125: The Killing Game with Adam Herr

Episode 125: The Killing Game with Adam Herr

Episode 125: The Killing Game with Adam Herr

This week Aaron and David discuss the Killing Game with Adam Herr. Adam Herr is a member of The Geekiverse and we’ve had different guests from the Geekivers in the past.

This week is an extra long episode clocking in at just over two hours because we have about 40 minutes of discussion of news and and rabbit holes. We finally get around to discussing the new SDCC Star Trek Discovery Trailer and get into some of the articles that have been released since SDCC.

Once we get past the news we talk about Adam’s favorite episode of Star Trek Voyager The Killing Game! This is a holodeck two parter episode where the Hirogen have taken over Voyager and forced Harry Kim to convert the ship into a giant holodeck. Meanwhile the Hirogen run programs where they can hunt the crew of Voyager over and over again. This is a fun episode as many of the hologram episodes tend to be. There are some strange leaps this episode makes and we have fun getting into all of them. Make whatever drink you are having a triple because this weekly shot of Star Trek is a long one!

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Episode 124: Enterprise Twilight

Episode 124: Enterprise Twilight

Synthaholics Episode 124: Enterprise Twilight

Remember the Star Trek Enterprise Twilight where a space anomaly gave poor archer brain parasites that were out of phase with time?  This basically makes Archer like the guy in the movie Memento!

Without being able to form new memories Archer can no longer command the Enterprise and this leads to many disasters. But before we get into the episode we talk about some of the props, costumes and ships that were shown off at San Diego Comic Con. Alas we recorded the episode early so we didn’t get to talk about the new trailer this week.

Be sure to listen next week as we will be talking about that new trailer then! Would you give up being able to form new memories if you had T’Pol taking care of you the rest of your life? We ask and answer that question and more on your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Synthaholics Episode 123: All Good Things with Jerikandra Cosplay

Synthaholics Episode 123: All Good Things with Jerikandra Cosplay

Synthaholics Episode 123: All Good Things with Jerikandra Cosplay

Jerikandra Cosplay joins on this week to talk about the Star Trek The Next Generation series finale All Good Things. We introduce Jerikandra and talk a little bit about her cosplay and how she got started in cosplay.

We then get into our episode description of “All Good Things” Once that is wrapped up we reminisce about our memories of seeing this episode when it originally aired and our original thoughts on the episode. We have some fun musings turned rabbit holes about Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Star Trek Generations. You know what time it is! Break open the Romulan Ale it’s time for you weekly shot of Star Trek.

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Synthaholics Episode 122: The Suffering of O’Brien Part 3

Synthaholics Episode 122: The Suffering of O’Brien Part 3

Synthaholics Episode 122: The Suffering of O’Brien Part 3

It’s that time again it’s time to recount The Suffering of O’Brien Part 3. This week Aaron is back and we are discussing the Star Trek Deep Space Nine episode Whispers. Before we get into the episode we briefly discuss the elevator game and surprisingly it folds right into our topic for today. O’Brien has just returned from an away mission and everyone around his is acting strange. O’Brien believes something has taken over the crew of the station while he was away and he is trying to escape before he falls victim to whatever it is that has happened. But things are not as they seem! Once we recap the episode go into our thoughts on the episode and how this was a kind of missed opportunity to follow up conspiracy. If you like coffee you should prepare your Jamaican blend double strong double sweet and double spiked! It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Synthaholics Episode 121: Trek Noobz Q Who (featuring Chris Chavez)

Episode 121: Trek Noobz 3 Q Who (with Chris Chavez)

Episode 121: Trek Noobz 3 Q Who (with Chris Chavez)

This week Chris Chavez joins us as our Trek Noob to talk about Q Who one of the best Star Trek the Next Generation episodes of season 2! This week Aaron is on vacation and in his stead I have enlisted the help of former guest Natalie Schlichtmann to be my co-host this week! The little bit of news we have this week is the story that Star Trek Discovery will not be held to Roddenberry Rule of no conflict between starfleet officers. We discus this before getting into our main topic this week Q Who. Natalie is my Aaron surrogate and so she breaks down the episode for us and we discuss the ins and outs of this episode. Along the way Chris asks some great questions from his perspective as someone new to Star Trek. We hope you enjoy this next entry into the Trek Noobz series it’s always wonderful to have someone new fall in love with Star Trek! It’s time to pour yourself your favorite drink because it is time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 120: STLV on a Budget with Shore Leave

STLV on a Budget with Shore Leave

Synthaholics Episode 120: STLV on a Budget with Shore Leave

Have you wanted to go to Star Trek Las Vegas? Heather Barker and Jeff Hulit from the Shore Leave Podcast join David this week to talk STLV on a Budget! To begin we talk about conventions in general and how almost nothing really compares to the experience of STLV. Heather and Jeff bring a ton of information from best time to book the hotel for STLV, travel, which of the Rio towers to stay in and much much more. Heather and Jeff also moderate a Facebook Group called the Unofficial Star Trek Las Vegas group. The link is in the show notes below. They have some great resources and threads talking about the con and ones with help on saving money while you’re there like looking for people to room with to help your stay be less expensive. It was great getting to talk with this week’s guests we hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek.

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Synthaholics Episode 119: Michele Specht and the Offspring

Synthaholics Episode 119: Michele Specht and the Offspring

Synthaholics Episode 119: Michele Specht and The Offspring

Aaron, Guy, and David are joined this week by Michele Specht to talk The Offspring. Before we get into the main topic we talk a little bit about Star Trek Continues and how the last three episodes will be debuting at Florida Supercon, Salt Lake Comic Con, and New York Comic Con. The Offspring is a Star Trek The Next Generation season 3 episode. A year and three months ago the last time we had Michele on the show, she told us this was her favorite Star Trek episode. So we had to have her back on the show so we talk with her about The Offspring. You should grab a box of tissues to keep them by your drink you’ll probably need them for this week’s shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 118: Wild Hologram Virtuoso

Synthaholics Episode 118: Wild Hologram Virtuoso

Synthaholics Episode 118: Wild Hologram Virtuoso

Have you seen the Wild Hologram Virtuoso? This week we talk about the Star Trek Voyager Episode Virtuoso where the doctor gets a bit wild to the point of resigning his commission to be a professional singer to a race that finds him to be a primitive holo matrix. After hearing Erin Gray audition for Janeway on Voyager David can’t watch Voyager without thinking about that. Aaron brings up what it must be like for the doctor where none of his friends seem to appreciate his other talents and skill other than doctoring. So we both talk times in our life where our talents may not have been appreciated. This discussion leads into some thoughts about our education system as a whole. Virtuoso brings up some of the same thoughts and ideas about the personhood and the sentience of holographic beings that were brought out last week on Holograms Gone Wild. We hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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A Star Trek Podcast