Episode 217: Tuvix: A Botanical Catastrophe

Episode 217: Tuvix: A Botanical Catastrophe

Episode 217: Tuvix: A Botanical Catastrophe

David is still recuperating from his frolicking on Pandora, so this week it’s just Aaron and Holly trying to wrap their heads around the Trolly Dilemma… sort of. Tuvix is a Voyager episode where Tuvok and Neelix are morphed into one being due to a breed of orchid being present in the transporter beam while the two are beaming back to the ship. There is much to chuckle about throughout this episode, even if it essentially ends in murder -”Give and Take” am I right? So grab a drink or just kick up your feet, and appreciate the fact that you have better friends than Tuvix has. Well… had. #JusticeForTuvix

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Episode 216: Avatar

Episode 216 Avatar

Episode 216: Avatar   

This week Aaron and Holly travel to Pandora. That’s right, the time to discuss James Cameron’s Avatar has come! David had to sit this one out after his Avatar contracted a rare STD from a fern, he is currently in quarantine. If you have yet to see Avatar or if you have no idea what it is, that’s okay, because we’re gonna tell you all about it! We also got a new teaser trailer for PICARD! Mmmmmm, anyone else want a bottle of wine from Chateau Picard? I kid, we definitely got more from the teaser than a nice Red. The discussion this week does take on a more serious tone but there are still plenty of laughs. So grab a drink, take a walk through Avatar with us this week, and don’t put your junk on any alien ferns- David found that out the hard way!

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Episode 215: Ice Pirates

Episode 215 Ice Pirates

Episode 215: Ice Pirates

Aaron and Holly pull David into the strange not so new world of Ice Pirates. Last week after joking about space herpes we got to the film where a space herpe is actually a thing. Ice Pirates is a huge mish mash of ideas, sets, costumes from a wide array of genre all inserted into a strange science fiction world where water is so rare it is the only thing that has significant value. Water is stored as ice and therefor ice pirates search for ships to rob them of their valuable ice water! In the film our heroes heist goes wrong and it sends them on a crazy adventure to find the seventh world. The seventh world is the one place in the universe that has a plentiful supply of water. Last week we joked about a ton of outtakes from before we recorded the episode. This week you’ll have plenty to listen to after the show is over. This week you get to be a fly on the wall to hear about what happens before we record.

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Episode 214: The Menagerie

Episode 214: The Menagerie

Episode 214: The Menagerie

Aaron is back this week with Holly and David to discuss both parts of The Menagerie the Star Trek Original series two part episode. With Captain Pike being all the rage after Star Trek Discovery’s second season we thought we would go back to where Spock decides to take after his sister and stage a mutiny. Spock does this to help his former captain live a better life since his unfortunate radiation bath he had on a Crossfield class starship filled with clueless cadets. We discuss our thoughts on this classic two part episode as well as how we feel about it now within the larger context of discovery and knowing the character of captain pike so much better then we did before. Pour yourself a big stiff drink things are about to get silly on your weekly shot of Star Trek.

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Episode 213: Star Trek Discovery S2 Roundtable with Trekyards

Episode 213: Star Trek Discovery S2 Roundtable with Trekyards

Episode 213: Star Trek Discovery S2 Roundtable with Trekyards

Holly and David welcome Captain Foley and Commander Cockings of Trekyards to the show this week. We are making it a tradition to have Trekyards join us for our yearly postseason Star Trek Discovery round table discussion. Unfortunately the red angels have captured Aaron to do unspeakable things to him 950 years in the future. We discuss our thoughts on Discovery with two whole seasons under our belts with some of our highs and lows of the season. We also get into some light speculation on what could be coming in season three of Star Trek Discovery. Samuel has some times to fan films and so we talk about fan films and how the guidelines have been affecting them. Pour yourself a drink it’s time for your weekly shot of sci-fi.

Please check out Captain Foley’s and Commander Cockings links for Trekyards and Fleetyards on Facebook and subscribe to their YouTube channel for great Star Trek content.




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Episode 212: Avengers Endgame

Episode 212: Avengers Endgame

Episode 212: Avengers Endgame

Aaron and David are trekking outside of the Star Trek sphere to talk the latest Marvel movie Avengers Endgame. This episode contains full spoilers for Avengers Endgame thought we do talk for about just general non spoilery thoughts for the first 15 minutes of the episode after that the infinity gauntlet comes off and we spill all the infinity gems! After we recap and discuss our thoughts on the movie we talk about the future of Marvel and the upcoming Phase 4. We also pontificate about how we are at the end of an era with the ending of 10 years worth of movies culminating in the one three hour event that is Endgame. We hope you don’t mind more non Star Trek topics in between seasons of the new Star Trek shows. Take a look at our youtube channel so you can make yourself a Purple people eater it’s time for the Endgame!

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Episode 211: Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2 Discovery S2E14

Episode 211: Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2

Phillip Malerich joins Aaron and David to discuss Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2 the season finale of Star Trek Discovery Season 2. Holly was once again was abducted by the Red Angels so she was unable to participate in the discussion this week. Most of the Star Trek news this week is related to the ending of Such Sweet Sorrow so we wait to the end of the episode to discuss this week’s news. Beware this episode contains full spoilers for Such Sweet Sorrow Part 2 and the second season of Star Trek Discovery Season 2. On many levels this episode is pretty much what we expected it to be. The biggest surprise to us was the lack of any real clear cliffhanger. The ending also felt like a great opener for a Captain Pike and Number One seres. This is something we discuss after we talk about our thoughts on the Second Season of Star Trek Discovery. I wonder what alcoholic drinks Kelpian X-wing pilots enjoy? If you have any ideas let us know, it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 210: Such Sweet Sorrow Discovery S2E13

Episode 210: Such Sweet Sorrow Discovery S2E13

Episode 210: Such Sweet Sorrow Discovery S2E13

Aaron, Holly, and David are all together to discuss Such Sweet Sorrow the second to last episode of the second season of Star Trek Discovery. Much like season one of Star Trek Discovery this episode does a lot to set up what will happen in the finale while withholding all the action for the finale. Even though this is the case it is an episode full of character moments for character other than Michael and we get a great look at the updated Enterprise bridge and it is a truly beautiful sight to behold.

We are all looking forward to see next week’s episode to see how the wrap up the season. There are a  ton of possibilities many of which could be very exciting. Once we finish the episode discussion we have a bit of a PSA at the end to clarify our thoughts on Star Trek and Discovery as a whole. Break out your finest wine and have a toast for parting is such sweet sorrow. It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

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Episode 209: Through the Valley of Shadows Discovery S2E12

Episode 209: Through the Valley of Shadows

Episode 209: Through the Valley of Shadows Discovery S2E12

Holly, Aaron and David are guestless this week and we three must walk Through the Valley of Shadows on our own! Through the Valley of Shadows is the twelfth episode of Star Trek Discovery we only have two more episodes before season two is over.

Anson Mount shines as Captain Pike in this week as his future is unveiled to him while he trying to find himself a time crystal on the Klingon monastery planet of Boreth. Michael goes of on an adventure with Spock and meets another assimilated section 31 agent who’s not super smart.

Is control the Genesis of the Borg, will the Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery tie into the Calypso Short Trek? Well we’ve got two weeks to find out. Grab your best quartz or time crystal infused spirit it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek.

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 208: Perpetual Infinity Discovery S2E11

Episode 208: Perpetual Infinity Discovery S2E11

Episode 208: Perpetual Infinity Discovery S2E11

Long time listener and friend of the show Dave Kish joins Aaron and David on our podcast’s anniversary and to discuss Perpetual Infinity the 11th episode of the second season of Star Trek Discovery. This week Control jumps into Leland using nanoprobes to continue its quest to get the sphere data. Pike gets a grim vague image of his future, Michael eventually gets a heart to heart with her mother, and finally the friendship and trust between Ash and Georgio is put to the test. Will Michael save her mother from always going BACK TO THE FUTURE???? Find out this week on the Synthaholics coverage of Star Trek Discovery! If you are in a future with no life raid all the unattended liquor stores and pour yourself as much as you want, it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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A Star Trek Podcast