Episode 266: Pandemic Playlist

Episode 266: Pandemic Playlist

Episode 266: Pandemic Playlist 

This week we compiled lists to entertain you through this 2020 Pandemic. We wanted to bring you episodes that were both entertaining and relevant to our current situation and we’re just gonna get right down to it… here are all of our recommendations!

1995 Film: 12 Monkeys
TOS&TNG: The Naked Time & The Naked Now
TNG Symbiosis
TOS This Side of Paradise
2005 Film: War of the Worlds
2006 Film: Children of Men
1995 Film: Outbreak
2000 Film: Castaway
2011 Episode of Futurama (Season 6 Episode 24): Cold Warriors
2012-2015 Book Series: The Lunar Chronicles
2014 Film (2009 Book Series): The Maze Runner
2016 Film: Passengers
2017 Film(2015 Novel): Everything, Everything 
YouTube Channel “GrayStillPlays”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/

YouTube Channel “GrayStillPlays”: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzEy7pi3B7TIS9cn_sdKK9A

I Built a Category 10 Hurricane out of Commercial Airplanes
    Forcing the Population to Evolve via Radioactive Alcohol
    Forcing 100 People to Live in Total Isolation
    When a Grain of Sand Hits Earth at 100,000,000x Light Speed
    I Surrounded Planets with Black Holes and This Happened

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Book Club Episode 1: Dune part 1

Book Club Episode 1: Dune part 1

Book Club Episode 1: Dune part 1

We are stating a shorter format book club series that will hopefully be a weekly release. We are kicking off this series with Frank Herbert’s sci-fi novel DUNE. This week we are covering the first two chapters so grab yourself a copy of Dune and follow along. 

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Episode 265: The Expanse Dulcinea and The Big Empty

Episode 265: The Expanse Dulcinea and The Big Empty

Episode 265: The Expanse Dulcinea and The Big Empty

Today we expand our universe with a little Syfy/Amazon show called… The Expanse! …too on the nose? Anyway, We have a relatively short episode for you this week -which is odd because we discussed the happenings of Episode 1 and 2 of the first season, but we’re all looking forward to more! But first we discuss the news of the latest Star Trek announcement “Strange New Worlds” Captain Pike, Number One and Spock will be back on the small screen at some point. Pour yourself something hard as you embark on this new trek to The Expanse.

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 264: Kobayashi Maru Extinction with Jason Yungbluth

Episode 264: Kobayashi Maru Extinction with Jason Yungbluth

Episode 264: Kobayashi Maru Extinction with Jason Yungbluth

This week we need to apologize to our special guest Jason Yungbluth. Because was are talking about one of our least favorite episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise – “Extinction”. BUT there is more! We balance off this bitter episode with the sweet discussion of Jason Yungbluth’s newset comic book “Kobayashi Maru”! A comic book series set in a universe that parodies the Star Trek universe. Yungbluth is well known for his work comic book writer & artist on “Weapon Brown” (a dystopic Charlie Brown story) and “Deep Fried” (a untouchable comedy comic strip). Poor Jason has to talk about this shitty episode, but at least it is good for a few laughs. Enjoy together responsibly!



Twitter: @IAmDeathRay


instagram: @death_ray_graphics


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Episode 263: Alita: Battle Angel with Guy Davis

Episode 263: Alita: Battle Angel

Episode 263: Alita: Battle Angel with Guy Davis

This week David, Aaron and Holly visit the 26th Century with Guy Davis, who sheds light on the history of the tale of a little cyborg girl who is actually a very powerful warrior from Mars, she just doesn’t know it yet… All four of your hosts this week have different levels of exposure to the world of Alita: Battle Angel, so the varying point of views made for a fun and interesting conversation and surely a good listen! With the state of the world, it was fun to discuss a story set in a fantastical distant future where many cultures blend and survive together and… oh wait… yeah it isn’t actually all that pleasant of a world… Well settle in for the tale of Alita: Battle Angel as we discuss the 2019 film, the 1993 OAV, and the Manga! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 262: The Sound of Her Voice

Episode 262: The Sound of Her Voice

Episode 262: The Sound of Her Voice

This week, listen to Aaron, David, and Holly from last week talk about a Deep Space Nine’s 149th episode where Sisco, O’Brian, and Bashir talk to a woman from three years past… And no, we do not divulge our innermost thoughts to strangers in this episode. “The Sound of Her Voice” Season 6 episode 25 of Deep Space Nine coerces Sisco, O’brian, and Bashir to reflect on their personal lives while a woman they have never met struggles to stay amongst the living; Oh and, Quark makes some Money. Top off yer Whiskey so we can do this proper… Slainte!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 261: Picard Post Mortem with Lloyd Evans

Episode 261: Picard Post Mortem with Lloyd Evans

Lloyd Evans returns as our guest! This week David, Aaron and Llyod do our post mortem of Star Trek: Picard Season 1. The return of Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard has been greatly anticipated. Did this season do justice to one of Star Trek’s most beloved character? We have mixed feelings on the outcome. There were high points that we enjoyed. But there are plot points that left us scratching our heads. Or in David’s case, shaking his fists in anger. Either way this season was noteworthy. And if you are a Star Trek fan it is a must watch. Pour yourself a tasty beverage, pop in your earbuds and lets reflect on Star Trek: Picard. Enjoy together responsibly!

Lloyd Evans is an ex-Jehovah’s Witness writer and activist. He is the founder of JWsurvey.org – an online resource aimed at assisting those who wish to leave the Witness faith. Lloyd Evans host the popular YouTube channel “John Cedars”. His recently has written a book “The Reluctant Apostate” about his experience leaving the faith. 


John Cedars


Random Cedars






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Episode 260: The Gamesters of Triskelion

Episode 260: The Gamesters of Triskelion

Episode 260: The Gamesters of Triskelion

Aaaah, back to some classic Trek! This episode Dave and Aaron look back at the classic (but silly) Original Series “The Gamesters of Triskelion”. Over the years this episode has had a lot of cultural references and it has generated some internet memes. But is it a good episode? You can bet 1000 quatloos that Dave and Aaron will discuss it ad nauseam! What young pubescent boy wouldn’t love an alien green hair warrior woman wrapped scantily in tin foil? Some of us boys enjoy Captain Kirk fighting a giant caveman and kissing Lady Gaga… er, Shahna. Put on your training harness, step into the arena and listen with your favorite adult beverage as we break down this offbeat episode of Star Trek. Enjoy together responsibly!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 259: Doctor Who “Improper Dave”

Episode 259: Doctor Who “Improper Dave”

Episode 259: Doctor Who “Improper Dave”

This week, Dave becomes “Improper Dave” to Proper Dave and Other Dave! Aaron and Holly talked him into watching TWO Doctor Who episodes- fan favorites: “Silence in the Library” and “Forest of the Dead”. He met David Tennant’s Doctor, The Most Important Woman in the Universe, River Song, and the Vashta Nerada! As established fans of the show, Holly and Aaron knew they enjoyed these episodes, but if you’re interested in what Improper Dave thinks, give this week’s episode a listen, and remember to count the shadows!

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Episode 258: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 with Jeff Heller of Screen Radar

Episode 258: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 with Jeff Heller of Screen Radar

Episode 258: Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 with Jeff Heller of Screen Radar

The finale of Star Trek: Picard is here! We unpack this loaded episode with our guest Jeff Heller from Screen Radar. We all come out of Season One with different thoughts and feelings. Some of us felt that it was a good finale and season. While others feel it was a hollow ending. Will Soji become the “Destroyer”? How can Picard appeal to the Synths to not start Ganmadan or “Judgment Day”? Will the Romulan fleet destroy the Synth’s homeworld? Is this season purely a goodbye for Commander Data? Will Picard say his last goodbyes to his friends? Will there be a Season Two? We discuss all these questions and more. Please join us for a lively examination of this episode.  Enjoy together responsibly! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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A Star Trek Podcast