Episode 167: Solo – A Synthanomicon Story

Episode 167: Solo - A Synthanomicon Story

Episode 167: Solo – A Synthanomicon Story

**Warning** This episode contains spoilers for Solo: A Star Wars Story

This week David from Synthaholics and Robbie from The Nerdynomicon team up to talk Solo A Star Wars Story. This episode will appear on both of our podcast channels we are each editing the way we normally would. But this is very much a combined episode were we do our best to merge the styles of both of our shows for you! Once we work our way through Solo we get into talking some of the other more recent Star Wars films to debate recent Disney Star Wars. We also bring up the whole Kathleen Kennedy controversy as well! Well it’s time to pour yourself a tall glass of blue or green milk. It’s time for a shot of something a bit different this week!

The Nerdynomicon Cosplay video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbnasbfkKY8
The Synthaholics Cosplay video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZeHeOra11c

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 166: Nickel City Con 2018

Episode 166: Nickel City Con 2018

Episode 166: Nickel City Con 2018

Last week we mentioned we could be at Nickel City Con and we had a fantastic time at the con this past weekend. Aaron ran the Numina Comics table and David was a roamer when he wasn’t moderating panels with Barbara Eden, Frank Cho, and Lori Petty. We didn’t speak to as many guests and vendors this year as past years. David did run into Jeff who has been on past comic con episodes and our Balance of Terror episode.

David also got to talk to the Angry Video Game Nerd about some of his favorite Star Trek moments. To round out the episode Aaron and I recorded our first podcast panel at Nickel City Con. To round out the panel Robbie from The Nerdynomicon and Chris Chavez from the BICBP Radio Network join us. The panel is more about letting the people know about our shows and if they had and questions getting a podcast started. We hope you enjoy this special convention episode of Synthaholics!

Guests Links

You can find the Angry Video Game Nerd at www.youtube.com/JamesNintendoNerd
Please take a look at Chris’s podcast network website www.Bicbp-radio.com/
Check out the Nerdynomicon on Youtube at www.Youtube.com/Nerdynomicon

Synthaholics Links
Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 165: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 2

Episode 165: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 2

Episode 165: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 2

HollyMichelle has finished Star Trek Discovery so it’s time for Aaron and David to get her thoughts on episodes seven through fifteen! Before we get started we wanted to let you know that Aarron and I along with some of our past guests will be doing a podcast panel at the Nickel City Con in Buffalo. Aaron will be at his Numina Comics table and David will be floating around the con.

HollyMIchelle has some very fascinating thoughts on Discovery as she went into the show with just about no info. She brings up many ideas that Aaron and I never really considered on our thoughts on Star Trek Discovery. Once we finish her takes the episodes shes asks us about our approach to talking about the show in the past. Aaron asks her about overall thoughts on the show and thoughts for the future of Star Trek Discovery. Break out the Klingon Bloodwine it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

You can follow Holly Michelle @lunarthistle on twitter
And you can see her videos at https://www.youtube.com/nerdynomicon
Check out her voice over demo at www.Hollymichellev.wixsite.com/voiceover

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 164: Demons of Terra Prime

Synthaholics Episode 164: Demons of Terra Prime

Synthaholics Episode 164: Demons of Terra Prime

HollyMichelle is back this week joining Aaron and David to talk about the Star Trek Enterprise episodes Demons and Terra Prime. But first we talk some Star Trek Movie news and some Avengers Infinity War Spoilers so be warned!

Demons and Terra Prime are the two episodes the come right before the series finale of Enterprise. In a way these episodes could of been a more satisfying ending to the show. We discuss this as well the other heavy implications the episodes bring up and how shockingly poignant they are to our times. While these are pretty good episodes they do have some choopynes in their story telling. If you enjoy episodes that get you in the feels Terra Prime is for sure one of those episodes and we for sure encourage you to give it a watch. Pour yourself something green it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

You can follow HollyMichelle @lunarthistle on twitter
And you can see her videos at https://www.youtube.com/nerdynomicon

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Captain Foley of Trekyards joins Aaron and David this week to discuss the Star Trek original series episode The Enterprise Incident. Before we get into the episode breakdown and discussion we talk about the Star Trek Discovery Season 2 production video as well as the news on the Star Trek movie that has been greenlit. The Enterprise Incident is one of Captain Foley’s favorite episodes and we have a great discussion with him about it.

David also rabbit holes the discussion back to the prime directive episodes as he wants to get Captain Foley’s take on a pair for voyager episodes. Check our youtube channel for how to make romulan ale! As that is the best beverage to enjoy while watching Romulan centric episodes! It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Please check out the links for Trekyards and Fleetyards on Facebook and subscribe to their YouTube channel for great Star Trek content.

Synthaholics Links

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 162: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 1

Episode 162: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 1

Episode 162: HollyMichelle on Discovery Part 1

Last week HollyMichelle had just one episode of Star Trek Discovery under her belt this week she has seen up to episode 6 Lethe. So David and Aaron decided to get her take on Discovery now that he has made it just over one third of the way into the show. Last week HollyMichelle posted a video along with needed words for a Star Trek Themed madlib to our Facebook Group. It hasn’t been completed yet so we did our own madlib and started the show with that. We had a really fun discussion with HollyMichelle about the first six episodes and got her thoughts and feelings on the show so far. We are looking forward to do part two of this discussion once she has finished the show. If you have bloodwine you should pour a glass it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

You can follow Holly Michelle @lunarthistle on twitter

And you can see her videos at https://www.youtube.com/nerdynomicon

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 161: DS9 The House of Quark

Episode161DS9House Of Quark

Episode 161: DS9 The House of Quark

This week Holly Michelle joins Aaron and David to talk the Star Trek Deep Space Nine Episode House of Quark. Before we get into the episode we have some Star Trek Discovery news. Anson Mount Black Bolt himself has been cast as Christopher Pike for Season two of Star Trek Discovery. We also got strange news with next to no explanation that the enterprise had to be 25% due to “legal reasons”. We all found this to sound pretty suspect. Our house of Quark discussion goes pretty fast as it is more a fun episode then a deep episode. Holly brings up how Grelka is a strong female character so we have a general discussion about female leads in Star Trek. Why do you sit back and grab a Synthale it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek  

You can follow Holly Michelle @lunarthistle on twitter

And you can see her videos at https://www.youtube.com/nerdynomicon

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 160: The Prime Directive Part 5 VOY Era

Episode 160: The Prime Directive Part 5 VOY Eraa

Episode 160: The Prime Directive Part 5 VOY Era

Aaron and David are back once again to discuss The Prime Directive. It’s the last time we swear! (for now anyway) Before we get into the prime directive we have a listener email and we thought we’d let you know Synthaholics Podcast has just turned three years old! Thank you to those that have been with us since the beginning! Last time we started on the Voyager era of prime directive breaks and this week we finish out Star Trek Voyager and tally up what show was had the most prime directive infractions! This week we discuss “Innocence”, “False Profits”, “Scorpion”, “Course: Oblivion” and “Friendship One” to name a few. We hope you are ready for the 5th and final instalment of the Prime Directive!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 159: The Prime Directive Part 4 DS9/VOY Era

Episode 159: The Prime Directive Part 4 DS9/VOY Era

Episode 159: The Prime Directive Part 4 DS9/VOY Era

How much do you love the rules? The boys are back again to dive back into the Prime Directive. This week we move into the TNG films, Deep Space Nine, and we start on the very long list that is Voyager! But before we get into this weeks topic Aaron and David discuss the Star Trek Discover deleted scene that was revealed at Wondercon this Past weekend. Once we get into the Voyager episodes Aaron has something very important he needs to gets off his chest and later David makes a very inappropriate joke at B’Elanna Torres expense. This week you’ll hear our take on “Insurrection”, “Nemesis”, “Emissary”, “The Circle”, “Caretaker”, “Prototype”, and “Threshold” to name a few of the times general order one may or may not have been violated by our heros! Might as well break out the Romulan Ale

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 158 The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Episode 158: The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Episode 158: The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Are you ready for more prime directive? Well we hope the answer is yes because we are moving The Prime Directive discussion into the TNG era this week! This week we get into classic episodes such as “Justice”, “Pen Pals”, “Who Watches the Watchers”, “First Contact”, “Homeward”, and many others! For the most part we thought TNG would be much clearer examples of break or not break in The Prime Directive. But there were a few we definitely got into some debate over whether or not the prime directive was broken or not. We have been having so much fun going over the ins and outs of The Prime Directive, we hope you are enjoying as much as we are. Break out your post St. Patrick’s Day drinks it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon

If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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A Star Trek Podcast