Tag Archives: ST: Discovery Episode 15

Episode 153: Star Trek Discovery Will You Take My Hand

Episode 153: Star Trek Discovery Will You Take My Hand

Episode 153: Star Trek Discovery Will You Take My Hand

The end is nigh, this week Aaron and David discuss the Star Trek Discovery season finale Will You Take My Hand. This episode brings us to the close of the Klingon War in an unexpected way. Will You Take My Hand is full of some fantastic character moments and the whole cast really brings it this episode. This episode has a great surprise guest actor who’s popped up in Star Trek before, that was such a joy to see. Michaels actions in The Vulcan Hello come full circle in this episode and she stands up for federation ideals! Aaron and David are both extremely excited to see where things will go in season two. It’s time to find yourself a green drink for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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