Episode 227: Family with Guy Davis

Episode 227: Family with Guy Davis

Episode 227: Family With Guy Davis

We are joined by the talented Guy Davis of the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank podcast and the Star Trek webcomic USS Tamerlane. This episode of Synthaholics we return to the streets of Jean-Luc Picard’s hometown La Barre, France. Picard tries to heal from his assimilation to the Borg by returning to his house that he grew up in. We will meet his brother Robert. We will explore why Robert and Jean-Luc’s relationship is filled with animosity. Guy and Aaron discuss the meanings behind Picard returning home and the psychology behind it.

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Check out Guy Davis’ artwork and his podcast Rocky Mountain Geek Tank http://www.gsdavisart.com/ http://rockymountaingeektank.com

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Episode 226: Best Of Both Worlds Look Back

Episode 226: Best Of Both Worlds Look Backpoposposti

Episode 226: Best Of Both Worlds Look Back

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Episode 225: Even More Picard

Episode 225: Even More Picard

Episode 225: Even More Picard

The Syntaholics continue on in their quest to discover what may have lead Picard to leave Starfleet. A look into “The Defector” and “Offspring” may have proven useful, as they show a captain who both carefully contemplates federation rules and regulations while also challenging authority if he deems it necessary, and of course more Data. This week, continue the trek with Aaron and Holly, and for a more detailed discussion on The Offspring, look to Episode 119 of the Synthaholics Podcast featuring Michele Specht of Star Trek Continues. 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 224: Pondering Picard… A TWOFER!

Episode 224: Pondering Picard... A TWOFER!

Episode 224: Pondering Picard… A TWOFER!

The mission this week is to discuss two episodes from TNG that have already been discussed in the past, because we believe they may ready us for what is to come. “The Measure of a Man” and “Who Watches the Watchers” are episodes that deal with Picards moral standings, his integrity, his dedication to his crew, and shows that he is willing to go toe-to-toe with the Federation if he feels it necessary. This is the third episode in a series of investigations into Picard, in hopes of getting us inside Jean-Luc’s head before the much anticipated series airs in 2020… 

For deeper discussions on these two episodes, enjoy Episode 143: The Measure of a Man with Kipleigh Brown, and Episode 174: Who Watches the Watchers with Robbie Palmer.

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Episode 223: The Battle

Episode 223:  The Battle

Episode 223:  The Battle

Picard… The final frontier…

These are the Voyages of the Starship Synthahol.
The second adventure in their new Mission:

To explore the inner psyche of one Jean-Luc Picard…
To look to the past; To predict the future…

To inappropriately go where no one has gone before…

Hah! Sorry, it had to be done. This week the gang discusses another Picard episode in hopes to re familiarize themselves with Jean-Luc before the premiere of Star Trek: Picard! “Battle” shows us a time in Picards career where he had to abandon ship, and now he is reliving the event but he may not be coping well with it. Stand-by, and enjoy this week’s episode paired with a niiiiiiice parfait…

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you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 222: Where Silence Has Lease

Episode 222: Where Silence Has Lease

Episode 222: Where Silence has Lease

This week Aaron and Holly chase their tails, much like Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise in Where Silence takes Lease. This episode has us thinking about the observation, treatment, and judgment of others- and a lot of side chat that hopefully we managed to tack onto the end of this episode. 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Spork, Detergent, and Dishwasher took a slightly different approach on this week’s episode, but they still can’t seem to agree on what the F*** is actually going on with this story! The final Showdown isn’t Neo vs Smith this time it’s Spork vs Detergent who will win the ultimate showdown at the end of the third movie? Can the mighty Dishwasher help them settle their differences? 

The last three weeks we Jacked into the world of The Matrix, explored it’s backdoors (you know which ones!), and finally found our exit… Will we even know what happened to Neo? Could there be a follow-up in our future or are we doomed to suffer a reboot? I mean, It would be hilarious if the next film is literally called “The Matrix Rebooted”! Let’s just hope that the Wachowski’s find a way to work Keanu Reeves back into the story!! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 220: The Matrix Reloaded

Episode 220: The Matrix Reloaded

Episode 220: The Matrix Reloaded

This week the Synthaholics get Loaded, and no one can seem to agree whether there is a Matrix within a Matrix, or if Neo simply has a unique connection to the A.I who enslaved all of humanity. While there are far less rabbit holes in this episode, this weeks’ episode is a bit on the longer side -much like a few of the sequences in The Matrix Reloaded! This film is packed with action and intrigue and we are all looking forward to see what is next for Neo and the team! So Jack-in, find yourself a Jack’n’Coke, and traverse The Wachowski’s imaginary world that influenced so much of pop culture and film. And please… if you’re gonna Jack Off, keep it to yourself and don’t do it on our exit!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

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Episode 219: The Matrix

Episode 219 The Matrix

Episode 219: The Matrix

Follow the white rabbit… Just not the A.D.D ones!  Hah.. the “Ones’”. David, Aaron, and Holly (or Detergent, Dishwasher, and Spork) find themselves outside of the Matrix this week, looking in on a world where Artificial Intelligence- or A.I, has enslaved the human race… but they’re most happy about it! …Oblivious would be the correct term. If you’ve not seen “The Matrix” you have most definitely either heard reference to it or been privy to experiencing interpretations of scenes from the film. A Classic Sci-Fi film that rocked the world with its concept and imagination. Do the other two films carry the weight of the first? We will Discuss this more as we traverse the Matrix, so stay Jacked In to find out.

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

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Episode 218: The Visitor

Episode 218: The Visitor

Episode 218: The Visitor

David has returned this week and Holly gets to witness first hand the boys impressions of Ben and Jake’s relationship. All joking aside, The Visitor is a Deep Space Nine episode that covers death and coping with the loss of a parent, time travel, a stalker, a message about remembering to live your life, and then more death and time travel! We have a special clip for you this week, as David had the privilege of not only hosting a panel for Tony Todd at Nickel City Con in Buffalo NY, but Tony graciously agreed to an interview for the podcast and gave us his personal account on the episode, and shed some more light on the Axanar drama. So get ready for another Star Trek discussion, and remember to dodge any energy discharges that may come your way!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

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A Star Trek Podcast