Episode 227: Family With Guy Davis
We are joined by the talented Guy Davis of the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank podcast and the Star Trek webcomic USS Tamerlane. This episode of Synthaholics we return to the streets of Jean-Luc Picard’s hometown La Barre, France. Picard tries to heal from his assimilation to the Borg by returning to his house that he grew up in. We will meet his brother Robert. We will explore why Robert and Jean-Luc’s relationship is filled with animosity. Guy and Aaron discuss the meanings behind Picard returning home and the psychology behind it.
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Check out Guy Davis’ artwork and his podcast Rocky Mountain Geek Tank http://www.gsdavisart.com/ http://rockymountaingeektank.com
If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon https://www.patreon.com/GSDavisArt?ty=h
Take a look at Holly’s Website and blog
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