Episode 277: Lower Decks Second Contact

Episode 277: Lower Decks Second Contact

Episode 277: Lower Decks Second Contact

Star Trek Lower Decks the latest CBS All Access Star Trek Show and the Synthaholics are here to cover it. The first episode of Lower Decks is titled “Second Contact”. The U.S.S. Cerritos is making second contact and is setting up its communication array so that they can communicate with the rest of the federation. This episode introduces us to our lower decks crew, Brad Boimler, D’Vana Tendi, Beckett Mariner, and Sam Rutherford. Aaron and I were delighted by this first entry into this brand new Star Trek show and we can’t wait to see what future episodes of Lower Decks will bring us. 

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Book Club Episode 10: Dune Part 10

Book Club Episode 10: Dune Part 10

Book Club Episode 10: Dune Part 10

This week Duncan Idaho is such a loud drunk that he wakes up Lady Jessica while she is sleeping from down the hall. Duncan has been enjoying the spice beer and hanging with the ladys a little too much. Lady Jessica then has an intense talk with Thufir and debates whether to not tell him she is pregnant with the Duke’s daughter. Duke Leto finds a corpse down the hall and then the almost corpse of the nearly deceased Shadout Mapes. He then discovers that his dentist Doctor Yueh seems to have been sabotaging the generator room. Doctor Yueh gives him some anti speed and replaces his tooth so that he can use it to assassinate Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Pour yourself a cold beverage and listen to more Expanse. Enjoy together responsibly!

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Episode 276: The Seventh Man and Pyre

Episode 276:  The Seventh Man and Pyre

Episode 276:  The Seventh Man and Pyre

Aaron and David move deeper into season 2 of the Expanse with “The Seventh Man” and “Pyre”. In “The Seventh Man” Bobbie is rescued and is Aaron and David move deeper into season 2 of the Expanse with “The Seventh Man” and “Pyre”. In “The Seventh Man” Bobbie is rescued and is questioned about what happened since she is the sole survivor of her squad after the mirrors fell on Ganymede. In Pyre we meet the Ganymede botanist Praxidike Meng, now a refugee after the battle over Ganymede. Holden and the gang Save Fred Johnson but they part ways. Next week we start our coverage of the new Star Trek show Lower Decks. We will return to discussing The Expanse once season one of Lower Decks has been concluded. Pour yourself a cold beverage and listen to more Expanse. Enjoy together responsibly!

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Book Club Episode 9: Dune Part 9

Book Club Episode 9: Dune Part 9

Book Club Episode 9: Dune Part 9

Duke Leto Hosts a dinner party where customs are abolished, where some people have names, and where other people have no names. Tensions rise as code words and hand signals are passed under the table. Could there be an assassination attempt at the dinner table? Is Dr. Yueh poised to strike? Will Paul be lured to his death with sex? Is Shadout Mapes the most desirable escort on Arrakis? Your answers to these questions and more in this week’s Dune Book Club. The Spice must flow!

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Episode 275: Home and Paradigm Shift

Episode 275: Home and Paradigm Shift

Episode 275: Home and Paradigm Shift

David returns and is joined by Aaron to discuss the next two episodes of The Expanse “Home” and “Paradigm Shift.” But first David must give his thoughts and reactions to the Star Trek Lower Decks animated series trailer. We also have another listener email we read before we get into the meat of the episode. With “Home” we finish up what would be the end of the first book Leviathan Wakes and with “Paradigm Shift:” we move into the second book Caliban’s War. Things are a changin. Pour yourself a cold beverage and listen to more Expanse. Enjoy together responsibly!

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Book Club Episode 8: Dune Part 8

Book Club Episode 8: Dune Part 8

Book Club Episode 8: Dune Part 8
Leto and Paul then meet Dr. Kynes the Arrakis ecologist. Kynes explains the use of stillsuits, special outfits that contain the amount of moisture the body uses up and which are able to recycle the majority of the body’s moisture. Kynes takes the Duke and Paul to visit a spice-mining operation. While they are there, the roaming spice factory is attacked by a giant sandworm. The duke takes control and makes sure to save all the miners, leaving the spice behind. The Spice must flow!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 274: Static & Godspeed with Guy Davis

Episode 274: Static & Godspeed with Guy Davis

Episode 274: Static & Godspeed with Guy Davis

Dave is away this week. Aaron and returning guest Guy Davis discuss the trailer for Star Trek: Lower Decks. The newest animated comedy from CBS All Access from the Rick and Morty creator Mike McMahan.

Next we dish on The Expanse episodes “Static” & “Godspeed”. With Miller killing of the scientist Dresden there is a rift with the Ratiocinate crew. Miller is out, but he has a great idea to stop the outbreak on Eros from spreading. Cortazar, the lead scientist of protomolecule has information about Eros’ outbreak. But can they get him to work with them to stop the outbreak. Fred Johnson clues Chrisjen Avasarala as to where a derelict stealth ship is floating in space. The stealth ship is connected to Protogen and Jules-Pierre Mao. And that spells trouble for Jules Mao. Pour yourself a cold beverage and listen to more Expanse. Enjoy together responsibly!

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Episode 273: Safe, Doors & Corners

Episode 273: Safe, Doors & Cover

Aaron and David boldly go into season two of The Expanse covering the first two episodes “Safe” and “Doors & Corners”. Going forward we plan to cut down on the episode recap so we can get into more of a discussion earlier on. We also have a listener email in regards to our Far Beyond the Stars episode before we get into the episode discussion. Season two does not disappoint, we get introduced to a new badass Martian named Bobbie Draper. What’s her story? Is she gonna start a war between earth and mars? Will she be an unlikely ally? This season also introduces us to Christjen’s hired spy Cotyar Ghazi, and Fred Johnson’s awesome right hand woman Camina Drummer. Pour yourself a cold beverage and listen to more Expanse. Enjoy together responsibly!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Book Club Episode 7: Dune Part 7

Book Club Episode 7: Dune Part 7

In our next two chapters of Dune Duke Leto inspects some quickly modified chairs and discusses with Thufir Hawat who the traitor might be. Thufir strongly suspects Jessica to be the traitor. Duke Leto finds this to be absolutely absurd and lets Paul in on the fact that he has to pretend to suspect Jessica of treachery but if anything were to happen to The Duke Paul must let Jessica know that it was only an act. Grab yourself a plate of Spice Melange, and some Spice Beer, so you can kick back while listening to our book breakdown of Frank Herbert’s DUNE! The Spice must flow!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/

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Episode 272: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Episode 272: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Episode 272: Final Fantasy VII Remake

This week on Synthaholics we do something new, we do our first not Star Trek video game discussion. David welcomes past colleague Brian Banister to the show to discuss Final Fantasy VII Remake. Aaron and Holly are both on vacation this week. Before we get into the Final Fantasy VII Remake discussion we talk about the Sony PS5 announcement for news and some of the upcoming games that were announced that we are most excited for. Pour yourself something Hard it’s time to talk about some video games! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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A Star Trek Podcast