Tag Archives: Synthaholics

Episode 300: A New Direction

Episode 300: A New Direction

Episode 300: A New Direction 

Welcome to the 300th episode of Synthholics. Aaron and David celebrate this milestone by talking about life, the universe, and everything. This week we look back over almost six years and 300 episodes of Synthaholics. As part of this discussion we explain our current feelings about Star Trek as it currently exists and mention some of our goals for the podcast once we come back from our break. Think of this time as the end of a season and we’ll be back for the next season. We have a listener email this week with some suggestions for the show when we come back. Please feel free to email us during the break and if we have enough emails we could devote an entire episode to reading emails from you the listeners. We will also be around on social media so feel free to message us on Twitter or Facebook and please join the group on Facebook. David is looking into steaming games over Twitch, find the link below. We will see you on Twitch and in episode 301. 

Find David at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 286: Lower Decks No Small Parts

Episode 286: Lower Decks No Small Parts

Episode 286: Lower Decks No Small Parts 

Aaron and David are back this week to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks “No Small Parts”. But first we have news that Kate Mulgrew is going to reprise her role as Captain or Admiral Janeway in the Star Trek Prodigy series that will be coming to Nickelodeon. In “No Small Parts” we get the Pakleds back something David was hoping for since the show first premiered. This time the Pakled have gone from passive aggressive dullard kidnappers to full on raging barbarians that offer up an actual threat to the crew of the USS Cerritos. Luckily Rider and Troi on the USS Titan show up at the last second to save our heroes. This was so great to finally get to see the Titan on screen and see more legacy characters in Lower Decks. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 285: Lower Decks Crisis Point

Episode 285: Lower Decks Crisis Point

Episode 285: Lower Decks Crisis Point

Aaron and David are back this week to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks “Crisis Point”. In the penultimate episode of season one of Lower Decks we basically get Lower Decks the movie. Mariner hijacks Boimler’s holodeck program and makes a movie out of it. The Synthaholics revel in all the moments from Star Trek movies that are referenced in this episode. In this episode Boimler discovers Mariner’s secret. How will this revelation affect the future episodes of lower deck next week and going into next season? We will have to find out together. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Aaron and David are back this week to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks “Veritas”. Before we get into Veritas we bring up the odd news that has been circulating this week about Paramount no longer working to produce Star Trek movies then the news that followed shortly after saying that that just wasn’t true. “Veritas” is an episode that jumps around a lot but it has some of the best references and laughs Lower Decks has offered up to this point. We also get our first legacy character making a cameo on the USS Cerritos. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 283: Lower Decks Much Ado About Boimler

Episode 283: Lower Decks Much Ado About Boimler

Episode 283: Lower Decks Much Ado About Boimler

Aaron and David are back this week to talk the next episode of Lower Decks “Much Ado About Boimler”. But before we get into this week’s episode we ponder the latest Star Trek Discovery Season 3 trailer. The trailer has spawned some fan theories and we also discuss our thoughts on them. This episode gives us our first mention of Division 14, a medical branch in Starfleet that handles unsolvable diseases and science mysteries. This is an idea we both really love. Boimler gets into a transporter accident and Division 14 comes to take him to “The Farm”. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 282: Lower Decks Terminal Provocations with Conspirinormal Podcast

Episode 282: Lower Decks Terminal Provocations with Conspirinormal Podcast

Episode 282: Lower Decks Terminal Provocations with Conspirinormal Podcast

Aaron and David welcome Adam Sayne and Serfiel Stevenson from the Conspirinormal Podcast to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks Terminal Provocations. Before we get into Lower Decks our guests Adam and Serfiel tell us about their upcoming event Strange Realities. In the past Strange Realities has been an in person conference but due to the pandemic this year they are hosting an online version this year with 21 amazing speakers.On Lower Decks this week a new character accidentally creates an intelligent destructive tentacle robot monster. What’s going on with Star Trek and all their tentacle robots lately?  It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Conspirinormal Podcast


Strange Realities Conference

SEPT. 25 – 27  2020


Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 281: Lower Decks Cupid’s Errant Arrow

Episode 281: Lower Decks Cupid’s Errant Arrow

Episode 281: Lower Decks Cupid’s Errant Arrow

This week David and Aaron are here to discuss “Cupid’s Errant Arrow” the fifth episode of Lower Decks. Again this title threw David off as he was expecting something a bit different given the episode’s title. We also discuss how this episode has some strengths over Discovery and Picard, as well as the casting news that has been going around social media this week. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 280: Lower Decks Moist Vessel

Episode 280: Lower Decks Moist Vessel

Episode 280: Lower Decks Moist Vessel

This week David and Aaron are here to discuss “Moist Vessel” the fourth episode of Lower Decks. David was very disappointed “Moist Vessel” didn’t quite turn out how he expected it to be given the title. However the episode does help us dive into a deep discussion about what happens on the holodeck and what becomes of all the waste left in holodeck. So far no legacy characters have appeared in the show. Dave is hoping for Q, what legacy characters do you think will show up in season one of Lower Decks? It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek! 

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 279: Lower Decks Temporal Edict

Episode 279: Lower Decks Temporal Edict

Episode 279: Lower Decks Temporal Edict

This week David and Aaron are on their own to discuss Temporal Edict the third episode of the outstanding new animated Star Trek show Lower Decks. The episode title is a bit of a misnomer as we were expecting a time travel episode. However Temporal Edict dealt with Scotty’s invention of buffer time and the micromanaging of a Star Fleet crew and the repercussions it can have on people’s morale and their productivity. Lower Decks for the most part is a very strong trek show and we still consider the best Star Trek show CBS All Access has produced. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the season has in store. Pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 278: Lower Decks Envoys with Rocky Mountain Geek Tank

Episode 278: Lower Decks Envoys  with Rocky Mountain Geek Tank

Episode 278: Lower Decks Envoys with Rocky Mountain Geek Tank

Aaron and David are joined this week by the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank to talk about Star Trek in general and Lower Decks specifically. Rocky Mountain Geek Tank is made up of Guy Davis who’s been a guest many times, Troy Fluhr who appeared way back on our Rouge One Podcast, and Chelsea Kramer who makes her inaugural debut. This week’s show is a little bit different as we appeared on their live Facebook stream where they wanted to keep the first hour spoiler free and more general star trek before we moved into the second Episodes of Lower Decks Envoys. 


Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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