Tag Archives: holodeck lite

Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Synthaholics Episode 138: Star Trek Discovery Lethe

Aaron and David are back to discuss Star Trek Discovery Episode 6 “Lethe”. This week was heavy on character building and it was a nice change of pace compared to the last several episodes. Lethe was such a fascinating ride where we learn more about Michael, Lorca, Ash, and Sarek. Lethe didn’t seem to do a whole lot of advancing the overall story this week but it was for sure setting up the chess board. We can’t wait to see what all this leads to in the upcoming episodes! So far the end of each episode this season always leaves us wanting more, this episode is no exception. With only have three more episodes before the show goes on break we wonder how they will keep upping the ante. We hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek.

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