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Episode 207: The Red Angel Discovery S2E10

Episode 207: The Red Angel Discovery S2E10

Episode 207: The Red Angel Discovery S2E10

Guy Davis again joins Holly, Aaron, and David to discuss The Red Angel the tenth episode of the second season of Star Trek Discovery. This week there is some light news about the new Picard show, Patrick Stewart has red the script he is said to of enjoyed it and shooting for the show starts in April. In this episode we find out who the red angel is….. Or do we? Or is the switcharoo a red herring. I guess we fill find out next week? Unfortunately Guy is here for another exposition episode instead of a more plot heavy episode. In this episode section 31 comes to hang out with Discovery to try to capture the red angel. They need to set a mousetrap where Michael is the bait to catch herself maybe? What do you think Red Angels like to drink? Break out whatever you think that might be it’s time for your weekly shot or Star Trek!

You can hear more of Guy at Rocky Mountain Geek Tank. http://rockymountaingeektank.com/

Guy Davis is also an Artist and Storyteller check out his online comics http://www.gsdavisart.com

You can follow him on twitter at http://twitter.com/gsdavisart

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you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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