Episode 99: Approaching the Threshold

Approaching the Threshold

Episode 99: Approaching the Threshold

Synthaholics is approaching the threshold the 100 episode threshold! So we dive into the much talked about and much ridiculed Star Trek Voyager episode Threshold. But first we go into the latest casting announcement we have for Star Trek discovery and its newest delay. We talk about how this episode could have been made better because the episode doesn’t really completely fall apart until the last act. Michael De Luca wrote the story for this episode and Aaron brings up some fun facts about him. Do salamanders like alcoholic beverages? If so it’s time to grab that drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek.

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you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 98: Moulin Rouge One and Geek Tank

Moulin Rouge One Geek Tank

Episode 98: Moulin Rouge One and Geek Tank

This week I am joined by Guy and Troy from the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank to talk the latest Star Wars movie Moulin Rouge One! Early on we each rank the now eight Star Wars films to see where Rogue One falls on our list. We learn early on that David seems to be the one to like the film the least. From there we go on to talk low points of the film before we get into the high points. But we rabbit hole quite a bit because Guy and I can never help it! Please avoid the blue milk it makes people very sick. It’s time for your monthly shot of Non-Trek Sci-fi!

Check out the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank at http://rockymountaingeektank.com/

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 97: Galileo Seven Trek Noobz

Galileo Seven Trek Noobz

Episode 97: Galileo Seven Trek Noobz

Josiah LeRoy from the Geekiverse is our first Trek Noob here to talk The Galileo Seven with us. You may remember him from our Star Wars Episode 2 and 3 shows. Also joining us is Holly Michelle, she has joined us in the past for The Halloween One and Worst of the Worst Part 2. David and Aaron are of course your hosts as we dive into one of Aaron’s most favorite episodes. Josiah said this was a perfect episode to get him staring to watch Star Trek. Aaron brings the science on pulsars, and some nice trivia on the lovely Yeoman in the episode. Time to light some candles and find your favorite drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Please check out our friends at the Geekiverse. https://thegeekiverse.com/
You can follow Josiah on Twitter at @JosiahDLeRoy
And you can follow the Geekiverse @The_Geekiverse

You can follow Holly @HollyMichellev

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 96: And Justice For All

And Justice For All

Episode 96: And Justice For All

This week we dive back into Star Trek the Next Generation with justice for all in the episode Justice! This is probably no one’s favorite Star Trek episode so Aaron and David tackle it together. Justice is a not bad episode but it is a fairly silly episode with lots of barely dressed beautiful people who’s only punishment for being naughty isn’t a spanking it’s death! The prime directive gets evoked quite a bit in Justice so once we finish talking about the episode we discus the prime directive itself and why they shouldn’t of ever visited the Edo world in the first place. Is there a special drink or cocktail that gets you in the mood? You know the mood I’m talking about! Well fix yourself a glass because it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 95: The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ominous Press

The Best of Both Worlds

Episode 95: The Best of Both Worlds w/ Ominous Press

We welcome Chris Scioli, the Marketing Manager and Business Development for Ominous Press (ominouspress.com) and the Co-Founder / Festival Director at Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival (buffalodreamsfantasticfilmfestival.com), back to the show to discuss the Star Trek The Next Generation episode The Best of Both Worlds. We bring in the new year with an amazing Star Trek episode and rabbit holes into, Star Wars, Superman and Buck Rodgers! We hope you have some drinks left over from your New Year’s Eve celebration it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Please Check out Chris’s links!

Ominous Press
Twitter: @OminousPress
Website: ominouspress.com

Sleeping Giant Collectibles
Twitter: @sleepinggiantz
Website: sleepinggiantcollectibles.com

Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Festival
Twitter: @BuffaloDreams
Website: buffalodreamsfantasticfilmfestival.com

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon
If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 94: A Doomsday Christmas

A Doomsday Christmas

Episode 94: A Doomsday Christmas

The Doomsday Machine because a Doomsday Christmas as we wind down the year with a classic episode of Star Trek The Original Series. Aaron and David first go over the news of the casting of the lead actress for Star Trek Discovery. The show takes a dark turn talking about the doomsday machine and we get into the topic of atomic weapons and how devastating they are. Kirk prompts this discussion because in the episodes he talks about how the H-Bomb was the 20th century doomsday Machine. We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy whatever you celebrate along with a Happy New Year because this is the last Synthaholics of 2016. We will see you guys next year! But don’t go anywhere yet it’s time to finish off your Egg-nog or whatever other Holiday Booze you have laying around because it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 93: Rocks Shoals and Rabbit Holes

Rocks Shoals and Rabbit Holes

Episode 93: Rocks Shoals and Rabbit Holes

Guy returns this week to talk Deep Space Nine Rocks and Shoals. That’s two DS9 episodes back to back! But don’t worry we go down some deep rabbit holes for some general Star Trek Voyager discussion as well. But before the main topics we get some of Guy’s feelings to the news that has been happening regarding the upcoming Star Trek Discovery series. This is the episode where you get the famous Sisko pointing angrily Meme in-case you wanted to get a new screen cap of it! Make sure your Vorta isn’t trying to sell you out! It’s time you have your ketracel-white handy and any other alcohol you like to imbibe because “Obedience brings Synthaholics and Synthaholics is life” I think that is how the saying goes……

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 92: Duet in C#

Episode 92: Duet in C#

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Season 1 can be a tough season to get through but Duet is the diamond in the rough for that season. It is by far the best episode of season 1 and this is what we talk about this week on Synthaholics! We discuss what makes this episode so great and we do bring up its few very minor flaws and why they may or may not be flaws. Before we get started this week we do go over some of the news CBS put out about Star Trek Discovery, and briefly touch on Bryan Fuller’s replacement as showrunner. We also bring you a very “Special” Duet please don’t turn off the episode, bear it because there is a little more to hear after that part. Look for your strongest men singing badly drink remedy…. It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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Episode 91: Revenge of the Geekiverse

Episode 91: Revenge of the Geekiverse

It’s that time of the month… the time where we delve into things not Star Trek. Yes I know it’s has been a lot of Star Wars but come February we will bring different science fiction to talk about until the countdown to Episode 8. Once again Josiah and Trevor for The Geekiverse join us to talk about the very last George Lucas Star Wars film The Revenge of the Sith. We all go over our highs and lows from the film and we talk a little about how the different commentaries brought different things to light to us for the films. We look back on this and remember this movie is like remembering old times. Jamie LeRoy makes her debut appearance on our show this Episode! I think I’ll have whatever Obi-wan started drinking after he witnessed the Jedi being massacred and leaving his friend to burn to death on the side of a volcano. Actually let’s make it a double it’s time for this weeks shot of Science Fiction!

For more on Star Wars and the upcoming Rouge One check out The Geekiverse they will have more news info and speculation on that movie in the coming weeks!
Please check out our friends at the Geekiverse. https://thegeekiverse.com/
They also have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUVJH0cT27WRxjtcnQYG-Q
You can follow Josiah on Twitter at @JosiahDLeRoy
Trevor @Trevor_White_
Jamie @JamieLynnLeRoy
And you can follow the Geekiverse @The_Geekiverse

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon
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Episode 90: Embryonic Popsicle Saga

Episode 90: Embryonic Popsicle Saga

Guy is back this week calling from the depths of space so we can get into the Embryonic Popsicle Saga better known as the Augment saga from Star Trek Enterprise season 4. Strap in as we cover all 3 episodes and talk about Enterprises own version of The Wrath of Khan. If you would like to rewatch these episodes before listening to our show the episodes are Borderlands, Cold Station 12 and The Augments! We have been talking about doing this episodes for a few months so we were all very glad to get to talk about this. We have also discovered how there was enough room on Klingon ships for humpback whales! Also Guy has some traumatic flashbacks to his Cheerios consumption for Star Trek! So find you finest Klingon, Orion or Augment strength drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon
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A Star Trek Podcast