Tag Archives: Picard Episode 8

Episode 256: Broken Pieces with Captain Foley

Episode 256: Broken Pieces with Captain Foley

Episode 256: Broken Pieces with Captain Foley

This week we welcome Captain Stuart Foley of Trekyards! We discuss this week’s episode of Star Trek: Picard, “Broken Pieces”. This episode a lot of our questions are answered. We find out the history of Commodore Oh. We get more background for the secretive Zhat Vash. The broken pieces of Captain Rios’ past is put together by Raffi Musiker. Picard and Soji learn about each other and their pasts. Soji travels to her home planet. And Seven of Nine drives a Borg Cube! Dave, Stuart and Aaron make some predictions for the next two episodes. As we wait for the epic build up and showdown of this season’s finale. Enjoy together responsibly!

Please check out Captain Foley’s and Commander Cockings links for Trekyards and Fleetyards on Facebook and subscribe to their YouTube channel for great Star Trek content. 




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