Tag Archives: Alfred Pennyworth

Episode 348: The Flash

Episode 348: The Flash

Hi! Thanks for coming back to the Synthaholics podcast! Life goes on and so does another podcast. In this action packed episode we talk about all sorts of things but really dial in and focus on The Flash. Which if reviews have anything to say is the greatest superhero movie ever created. But do they have any merit to them? Well, never fear, hosts David and Brian are here! Until next time take care and email us at [email protected] for memes.

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Episode 234 Short Trek, Trailers & Joker

Episode 234 Short Trek, Trailers & Joker

Episode 234 Short Trek, Trailers & Joker

The Synthaholics crew take a break from our lookback of Captain Picard. We review the new Joaquin Phoenix and Todd Phillips 2019 movie “Joker”. David and Aaron also discuss the newest Short Trek “Q&A”. As well they break down the newest Star Trek Discovery Season 3 and Star Trek Picard trailers. Enjoy together responsibly!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 186: Event Horizon featuring Robbie Palmer

Episode 186: Event Horizon

Episode 186: Event Horizon

This week Robbie Palmer of The Nerdynomicon joins Aaron, Holly, and David to discuss the sci-fi/horror cult classic film Event Horizon. Before we get into the main topic there was not a whole lot of Star Trek news this week but, a new photo of L’Rell with hair was released so we do briefly touch on this.

This week’s recap takes awhile to get through as we have so much to say about his movie as things come up. We hope you will enjoy this episode we come up with lots of interesting ideas and theories for the movie and we hope the next time you watch Event Horizon our discussion will have made the movie more interesting to watch and think about! Grab some of your favorite Halloween candy you are getting some horror with your weekly shot of Sci-fi!


Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
You can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon

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