Episode 89: Worst of the Worst Part 2

Episode 89: Worst of the Worst Part 2

This week Holly Michelle joins us again for this time for our worst of the worst part 2! Our job was to pick 3 episodes each that we think are some of the worst Star Trek has to offer. Once we pick our episodes we keep them secret from each other to not influence the decision of the others. Then we recorded this episode for you guys. The secrecy was nice because we had some overlap on our picks something we didn’t have on our first worst of the worst episode. With any thing named Worst of the Worst keep in mind this is a subjective topic and personal to each of us based on our tastes. But if you want to tell us why you think these episodes are great or want to make suggestions on episodes that are worse please email us and we will read it on a future episode! So swing open the doors on your favorite liquor cabinet it is time for your weekly shot or 7 of Star Trek!

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Episode 88: Sympathy for the Devil

Episode 88: Sympathy for the Devil

This week we take a trip to the Star Trek the animated series to talk about The Magicks of Magas-tu. We figured it has been a long enough break from the insanity that is the animated series and here we go again! This time the enterprise visits the center of the galaxy with no mentions of any great barrier to meet a planet full of demons and get put on trial for being human! Aaron and David have a very difficult time staying on topic with this one as it leads to all sorts of conversations that sometimes have a tangential connection or no connection at all to this episode. See the crew meet the Devil, see Spock draw pentagrams, see Kirk wield lightning in a wizard battle, or don’t see this episode at all! But please listen to our take on the episode and all the off topic shenanigans we get into! Go to the liquor cabinet and find your highest proof drink and grab your tallest glass you are gonna need it for this weeks shot of Star trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 87: Practice on a hotdog first kid!

Episode 87: Practice on a hotdog first kid!

This week we are joined by two members of The Geekiverse Josiah LeRoy and Trevor White for our non Star Trek episode of the month. This week we continue last month’s discussion of the Star Wars prequels picking up with Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. We begin by asking Josiah and Trevor how they got into Star Wars since Aaron and I gave our introductions into Star Wars last month. After hearing Trevor’s background on Star Wars both David and Aaron recall auditory hallucinations involving Star Wars! Sanity soon takes over and we talk about our thoughts about Episode 2 and we discus a fan theory that there was a love triangle between Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan. In this episode we learn George Lucas wrote the Star Wars prequels personally for Trevor. We have a new email we read at the end of this episode. Time to spike that blue bantha milk it’s time for your monthly off topic shot of Science Fiction!

We had a great time recording with the guys from The Geekiverse please check out their content below!
Please check out our friends at the Geekiverse. https://thegeekiverse.com/
They also have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUVJH0cT27WRxjtcnQYG-Q
You can follow Josiah on Twitter at @JosiahDLeRoy
You can follow Trevor at @Trevor_White_
And you can follow the Geekiverse @The_Geekiverse

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 86: Grumpy Unification

Episode 86: Grumpy Unification

This week Pete Herr AKA the Grumpy Geek of the Geekiverse joins us to talk about the Star Trek The Next Generation two-parter Unification! The Geekiverse is a local entertainment website that reports on all things geek, from written reviews, to video segments, to podcasts. Unification is a favorite episode for Pete because it is a crossover it is also a favorite of ours. This episode is the first time we hear of Worf’s love of Klingon Opera that will come back to haunt us in future episodes of Star Trek! We also witness Data do a Vulcan nerve pinch to our sadness he never uses this again. This episode also made us think of a few funny Star Trek Related you tube videos links are down in the show notes! Put on your Romulan forehead and your pointed ears and pull out that Illegal Romulan Ale you’ve been hiding, it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

You can find Pete Herr on Twitter at @peteherr
Please check out our friends at the Geekiverse. https://thegeekiverse.com/
They also have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUVJH0cT27WRxjtcnQYG-Q

Klingon style https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CayMeza487M
Riker’s baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIw690VGt70

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 85: The Halloween “One”

Episode 85: The Halloween “One”

This week Holly Michelle from the Artful Gremlins joins us to talk about the Star Trek Voyager Episode “One”! Last year we brought you Schisms as our Halloween flavored episode and to continue with that we bring you an episode that may not be scary to the view on its surface. But to Seven of Nine she was facing extreme isolation, hallucinations, and being alone with a doctor. All the while her ship is failing all around her and he has been tasked with keeping all her sleeping crew mates alive. All of this makes for one of the closest things we get in Star Trek to the feeling of horror and a Halloween type episode! This week we recorded at Holly’s house so take all the bumps and scrapes as just audio dressing for a spooky episode! Well it’s time pull out your favorite Halloween alcoholic beverage! I hope it is green colored to honor Scotty! Get ready for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 84: Eight years till Sanctuary

Episode 84: Eight years till Sanctuary

This week on Synthaholics we take a look back at a Deep Space Nine episode about what happens eight years from our present day in the two part episode Past Tense.We break down the episode in our usual way. At the end of Past Tense part 2 Sisko and Bashir ask how did things get so bad. Here at Synthaholics we believe we may have the answer for them!  Things get a little political this episode we hope you don’t mind and enjoy the conversation! We also read a new listener e-mail. Please grab your highest proof drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 83: Midi-chlorian Prophylactics

Episode 83: Midi-chlorian Prophylactics

This week we welcome our new friend Robbie Palmer of Artful Gremlins to join us on our new episode format. This month we start doing one non Star Trek episode a month and with Star Wars Rogue One coming in December we thought we’d start with one prequel a month then talk about Rogue One in January. We will be talking other sci-fi once a month not just Star Wars. The three of us look back to our earliest memories of Star Wars and learn new things about each other. We talk about the excitement leading up to The Phantom Menace and what it ultimately disappointed us. We then discuss the expanded theory by YouTuber Lockstin / Gnoggin about how Jar Jar may have been a Sith Lord all along. It’s time to spike your tall glass of blue Bantha milk with your Liquor of choice it’s time for your monthly shot of non Trek Sci-fi!

Please check out Robbie’s work with Artful Gremlins with his podcasts
With Couldn’t be Models http://couldntbemodels.libsyn.com/
And Nerdymonicon http://nerdynomicon.libsyn.com/
They also have a Patreon https://www.patreon.com/artfulgremlins
Please check out Lockstin / Gnoggin’s video about this Jar Jar theory it is definitely worth the watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rHyf0FBvt4
Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon
If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon
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Episode 82: Jeff and the Devil in the Dark

Episode 82: Jeff and the Devil in the Dark

This week Jeff Hulit from The Tricorder Transmissions Podcast (http://www.thetricordertransmissions.com/) joins us to talk his favorite Star Trek Episode Devil in the Dark. I think the Horta kidnaped Aaron, Fayth, and Guy this week as it is just David and Jeff this week. Before we get into the episode we talk the news of Star Trek Discovery being pushed back from January to May. We then have a great time getting into the episode and Jeff admits something here that he’s never admitted on a podcast before. David drops some Synthaholics news right in the middle of the episode during one of the many wonderful rabbit holes that are dove into throughout the course of this discussion. We hope you have a beverage that can support silicon life to use as a bargaining chip for your life! Because it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Please check out the below links to hear The Tricorder Transmissions podcast and to follow them on social media!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 81: Trek 50 at Buffalo Comic Con

Episode 81: Trek 50 at Buffalo Comic Con

Last weekend David was at the Buffalo Comic Con talking to people about Star Trek. We got interviews from various people who were at the con that had an interest in Star Trek. He also met a podcast at the convention called Couldn’t Be Models  (https://www.facebook.com/couldntbemodels/) and Pete Herr from a local all geek news and review website The Geekiverse (https://thegeekiverse.com/). You’ll also hear a familiar voice as David runs into Jeffery who joined us on our episode about Balance of Terror. You’ll also hear from Jesse AKA Frosted Fricks (Check out his You Tube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSsGh7Z-jr_WYMxIc0MrtMw) and many others. David mostly asked them about their first experience with star trek since this is the 50th anniversary of Star Trek! Try to find a green beverage because it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Check out the Guys at the Geekiverse here https://thegeekiverse.com/
Check out Couldn’t be Models https://www.facebook.com/couldntbemodels/
Chcek out Frosted Fricks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSsGh7Z-jr_WYMxIc0MrtMw

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon
If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon
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Episode 80: Geek Nation Tour with Dr. Trek and Bonnie Moss

Episode 80: Geek Nation Tour with Dr. Trek and Bonnie Moss

This week we welcome Bonnie Moss and Dr. Trek AKA Larry Nemecek on the show to talk about this years Geek Nation Tour and Star Trek Las Vegas. First Larry gives us an update on Portal 47 and the Con of Wrath. Larry helps with the Star Trek Geek Nation Tour and Bonnie was a participant so it is is great hearing them tell us how all this went from both perspectives. The Star Trek Geek Nation Tour also leads up to Star Trek Las Vegas and we get the rundown on how it was this year for both of our guests!  As is tradition we rabbit hole into other topics such as the 50th anniversary of star trek as well as some talk about the upcoming Star Trek Discovery. As we close Larry gives us some updates on Enterprise in space as well!

Follow Larry Nemecek on Twitter https://twitter.com/larrynemecek
And take a look at his website http://larrynemecek.com/
And Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/The-Trekland-Trunk-161224037419595/?fref=ts
Check out Larry’s Portal 47 Www.Portal47.net
Con of Wrath documentary. http://www.larrynemecek.com/conofwrath.htm
Enterprise in Space website http://www.enterpriseinspace.org/
Enterprise in Space on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EnterpriseInSpace/?fref=ts
Enterprise in Space on Twitter https://twitter.com/EnterpriseSat
Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon
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A Star Trek Podcast