Tag Archives: The Masterpiece Society

Episode 158 The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Episode 158: The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Episode 158: The Prime Directive Part 3 TNG Era

Are you ready for more prime directive? Well we hope the answer is yes because we are moving The Prime Directive discussion into the TNG era this week! This week we get into classic episodes such as “Justice”, “Pen Pals”, “Who Watches the Watchers”, “First Contact”, “Homeward”, and many others! For the most part we thought TNG would be much clearer examples of break or not break in The Prime Directive. But there were a few we definitely got into some debate over whether or not the prime directive was broken or not. We have been having so much fun going over the ins and outs of The Prime Directive, we hope you are enjoying as much as we are. Break out your post St. Patrick’s Day drinks it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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