Tag Archives: The Enterprise Incident

Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Episode 163: Captain Foley’s Enterprise incident

Captain Foley of Trekyards joins Aaron and David this week to discuss the Star Trek original series episode The Enterprise Incident. Before we get into the episode breakdown and discussion we talk about the Star Trek Discovery Season 2 production video as well as the news on the Star Trek movie that has been greenlit. The Enterprise Incident is one of Captain Foley’s favorite episodes and we have a great discussion with him about it.

David also rabbit holes the discussion back to the prime directive episodes as he wants to get Captain Foley’s take on a pair for voyager episodes. Check our youtube channel for how to make romulan ale! As that is the best beverage to enjoy while watching Romulan centric episodes! It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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