Tag Archives: Picard Episode 6 The Impossible box

Episode 254: The Impossible Box

Episode 254: The Impossible Box

Episode 254: The Impossible Box

This week Dave, Holly and Aaron discuss the Picard episode “The Impossible Box”. Picard finally makes it to the “Artifact” (AKA the Borg Cube) to search for Soji. Picard is met by an old friend Hugh the ex-Borg. In the meantime, Soji is haunted by a nightmare. With the help of Narek, Soji is able to explore her dream only to find more questions about her identity. Picard and Soji finally meet and have to escape the Artifact. While we discuss Dave expresses his feelings of a tedious story arc. Holly is enjoying the series and is excited to see where the story goes next. While Aaron is happy with the story but feels like the plot is moving along too slow. No matter what our feelings are, the Picard series serves up nostalgia and builds on that framework to deliver a new narrative to the Star Trek universe. Enjoy together responsibly!

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