Tag Archives: Jamie LeRoy

Episode 91: Revenge of the Geekiverse

Episode 91: Revenge of the Geekiverse

It’s that time of the month… the time where we delve into things not Star Trek. Yes I know it’s has been a lot of Star Wars but come February we will bring different science fiction to talk about until the countdown to Episode 8. Once again Josiah and Trevor for The Geekiverse join us to talk about the very last George Lucas Star Wars film The Revenge of the Sith. We all go over our highs and lows from the film and we talk a little about how the different commentaries brought different things to light to us for the films. We look back on this and remember this movie is like remembering old times. Jamie LeRoy makes her debut appearance on our show this Episode! I think I’ll have whatever Obi-wan started drinking after he witnessed the Jedi being massacred and leaving his friend to burn to death on the side of a volcano. Actually let’s make it a double it’s time for this weeks shot of Science Fiction!

For more on Star Wars and the upcoming Rouge One check out The Geekiverse they will have more news info and speculation on that movie in the coming weeks!
Please check out our friends at the Geekiverse. https://thegeekiverse.com/
They also have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUVJH0cT27WRxjtcnQYG-Q
You can follow Josiah on Twitter at @JosiahDLeRoy
Trevor @Trevor_White_
Jamie @JamieLynnLeRoy
And you can follow the Geekiverse @The_Geekiverse

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