Episode 69: Sex in Star Trek!

Episode 69: Sex in Star Trek!

This week Guy and David welcome Victoria and Jinyo to talk Sex in Star Trek. This week we start off with the sad news of Anton Yelchin’s passing before getting into this weeks topic! We talk about if Kirk’s reputation is deserved and about how Riker’s reputation most definitely is deserved. We talk about Pon Farr, and how rough Klingons get, we talk Deltan’s and much much more. Be sure you have a fan or fan dancer because it’s going to get hot in here! Also be sure to have your drink of choice around it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 68: A Night or Seven in Sickbay

Episode 68: A Night or Seven in Sickbay

We are BACK!!!!!!!! Sorry about our absence. David was stricken with a serious case of Klingon Butt Fever! He is out of sickbay and recovering in his own quarters now! But we are back on a weekly basis thank you for sticking with us during David’s illness. And to celebrate Synthaholics triumphant return what better episode to tie in David’s illness and being a way then with the Enterprise episode A Night in Sickbay. Be sure to stick around after the outro for off topic but a fun serious conversation between Guy and David about the ending of Enterprise! This conversation evolved naturally out of the outtakes and so I didn’t want to try to cut and try to find a place to insert it earlier in the show  this is raw mostly unedited after show conversation! So we hope you enjoy! Alright grab your Klingon Butt Fever antibiotics your pain medication and most of all your drink of choice. It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 67: The Enemy Within connection problems!

Episode 67: The Enemy Within connection problems!

This week Tawnya and David welcome Victoria Schmidt (Scruffy Rebel) back to the show to talk The Enemy Within! Victoria was able to attend the Star Trek Fan event on May 20th and we got to hear about her experiences at the event and her thoughts on the new trailer. As we started to talk about the Enemy Within, her cell connection became unsteady and we were not able to keep her for the duration of the episode. We hope to have her back again soon so we can do a full episode with her. Prepare for more outtakes than usual so keep listening after the outro music! Well it’s that time again grab whatever drink will wet your whistle it’s time for your weekly Shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 66: The Andorian Incident! (Prelude to Faceplant)

Episode 66: The Andorian Incident! (Prelude to Faceplant)

This week Guy and David tackle the Enterprise episode The Andorian Incident where the Andorians make their first appearance! This episode is directed by Roxann Dawson takes us through a few more rabbit holes then normal. We also touch on the teaser trailer for the new CBS All Access Star Trek series that was released the day we recorded this episode. It’s time to prepare for the epic prequel to one of our past episodes Face Plant Your Science Officer! We hope you enjoy the Prelude to Facepant so grab the nearest drink even if it isn’t yours! It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 65: Jeklynn Heights (Video Game Edition)

Episode 65: Jeklynn Heights (Video Game Edition)

On this special Bonus yet off topic episode of Synthaholics David interviews Ryan Wenke a game designer on the upcoming game Jeklynn Heights! Our very own Fayth Hertzberg is the community manager on this project. Ryan and I talk about the game and its impending release on steam early access, the future of the game and new trends in gaming in general. We hope you enjoy this Gaming Edition of the Synthaolics podcast!

You can Follow Jeklynn Heights on Twitter
Jeklynn Heights Steam Store page
Prospector Theater
Jeklynn Heights Gameplay Trailer
Jeklynn Heights Lore Trailer

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Episode 64: Worst of the worst

Episode 64: Worst of the worst

Last year we got an email asking us to talk about some of our least favorite episodes! Well it has been a while but good things come to those who wait. This week Guy and Tawnya join David through this romp of the worst episodes we could think of. The worst of the worst! So our mission this week was to each pick 3 of our least favorite episodes, keep them a secret from each other until the time of recording. Then we must say the episode, why it was our least favorite, and then propose some way to fix the episode to make it better to add some positivity to the discussion. The first two parts of the mission went without a hitch, but some things are just broke and can not be fixed.If you guys have interesting ways to fix the episodes we would love to hear about them please email us your fixes to [email protected] or of we are wrong and these are great episodes please write us and tell us that too! Well it’s time to grab yourself a drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
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Episode 63: Galaxy Quest – Rabbit Holes within Rabbit holes!

Episode 63: Galaxy Quest – Rabbit Holes within Rabbit holes!

This week we talk Galaxy Quest one of the best Star Trek documentaries or Historical Documents of all time! Fayth, Guy, and David talk about this beloved film and have our most sidetracked episode to date with lots of little mentions of lots of different shows movies and the like. Fayth and David share some personal stories from their youth involving movie theaters! We also go into some of the behind the scenes info with Galaxy Quest and briefly speculate on the future of this beloved film. We hope this episode has a little bit for everybody. We hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Grabthar’s Hammer!
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Guy’s Competing Podcast http://rockymountaingeektank.com/
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Episode 62: Q-Less with Tawnya Holly

Episode 62: Q-Less with Tawnya Holly

Aaron… Stuck in transporter buffer on shuttle on the Dyson Sphere, Fayth … Power outages due to space manta in amber egg thingy, Guy…  summoned to the wild west! David this week welcomes Tawnya to the show to talk about the most recent episode of Star Trek she’s seen for the first time Q-less! After speaking with her during the Never forgetting a Legend episode we learned Tawnya is new to Star Trek but incredibly passionate about it. So we at Synthaholics thought it would be interesting to talk about an episode she had just seen so we could get a fresh take on the episode through the eyes of a new Trekkie! Hold on this is the first and last time we ever see Q in Deep Space 9! Also this week we have an all new Riker Scores! It’s time to grab a drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
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Episode 61: Flashback- Sexy Klingon Selfies!

Episode 61: Flashback- Sexy Klingon Selfies!

This week Guy joins Fayth and David to talk about the Star Trek Voyager episode Flashback! But first we talk some news that happened after we recorded our interview with Vic Mignogna but before we were able to post it online! Once we go over the news we get into the meat of the episode with Guy providing our episode recap! We talk about why Lieutenant Commander Dmitri Valtane couldn’t get away from his console quick enough to escape the exploding console! It may even have something to do with the episode title! We wanted to let you know the show is now on Google Play Music so you can get Synthaholics directly on your android device and we have a link for our show on Google Play music below in the link section! Grab your root beer, actual beer, prune juice or Kanar it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 60: Vic Mignogna and Star Trek Continues

Episode 60: Vic Mignogna and Star Trek Continues

This week we welcome Vic Mignogna to talk with us about Star Trek Continues. We start off talking about the Indiegogo and discus a bit about why it may not be doing as well as previous campaigns Star Trek Continues has done. We get the dates for Episode 6 and Episode 7 of Star Trek Continues, and we briefly touch on one of his roles in a lesser known anime Excel Saga because this is David’s favorite anime series. Star Trek Continues is a wonderful show, it is a labor of love, Vic and all the rest do fantastic work on this show. The Indiegogo campaign completes in just under two weeks.Please check out the Indiegogo for Star Trek Continues and donate so we can get more of this amazing series made my a passionate and a wonderfully talented group! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/star-trek-continues#/

You can follow Star Trek Continues on Twitter at https://twitter.com/TrekContinues
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A Star Trek Podcast