Synthaholics 100 we hear from the listners

Synthaholics 100

Episode 100: Synthaholics 100 we hear from the listeners!

For the past few weeks we have been asking to hear from you the listeners for favorite stories or jokes about Star Trek or about the Synthaholics Podcast. We took those tweets, emails and audio clips, we read and listened so we could react to all the wonderful submissions. This doesn’t have to be just for this episode you can send us tweets, or audio any time for us to play on the show. We love hearing from you, the listeners because without you this show has not purpose. So thank you for being with us if you started on episode 99 or if you started on episode 1 thank you so much for being here on this journey with us. It’s time to break out the Champagne because it’s time for your 100th weekly shot of Star Trek!

William Rodriguez
Founder of Creative Zenith
Instagram: creative_zenith
Twitter: WillrodCz

Donald Jackson

Joseiah LeRoy
Twitter @JosiahDLeRoy

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