Episode 291: Star Trek Discovery “Die Trying”

Episode 291: Star Trek Discovery “Die Trying”

Episode 291: Star Trek Discovery “Die Trying”

Episode 291: Star Trek Discovery “Die Trying”

Aaron has escaped this transporter accident and he joins David to discuss “Die Trying” the fifth episode of the third season of Star Trek Discovery. This episode started off strong with a nice captains log and a brief look at some new StarFleet ships. We see the USS Nog, the Voyager – J, and what they called a new version of the constitution class. The StarFleet Admiral isn’t too happy to have the time traveling crew but that’s nothing a classic fetch quest can’t fix. We were hoping to see some answers this week as we finally have our crew of the USS Discovery back in the heart of the federation but “Die Trying” has no answers and just leaves us with more questions. Emperor Georgou and her debriefing hold some of the most interesting things said and not said in this episode. We can’t wait to find out what all that is about. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Ale, for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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Episode 291: Star Trek Discovery “Die Trying”

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