Tag Archives: Tarkin

Episode 98: Moulin Rouge One and Geek Tank

Moulin Rouge One Geek Tank

Episode 98: Moulin Rouge One and Geek Tank

This week I am joined by Guy and Troy from the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank to talk the latest Star Wars movie Moulin Rouge One! Early on we each rank the now eight Star Wars films to see where Rogue One falls on our list. We learn early on that David seems to be the one to like the film the least. From there we go on to talk low points of the film before we get into the high points. But we rabbit hole quite a bit because Guy and I can never help it! Please avoid the blue milk it makes people very sick. It’s time for your monthly shot of Non-Trek Sci-fi!

Check out the Rocky Mountain Geek Tank at http://rockymountaingeektank.com/

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