Tag Archives: Super hero movie

Episode 329: Internet Archive Dumpster Dive 1: The Return of Captain Invincible

Episode 329: Internet Archive Dumpster Dive 1: The Return of Captain Invincible

\Why hello there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 329! Join hosts David and Brian as they completely decide to not be topical anymore and review The Return of Captain Invincible. Never heard of it? Well let the two take you on a journey of what superhero movies were before the MCU. They were, well, different. In what we think a better but worst way which doesn’t make sense but after watching Captain Invincible you will understand. The song that was referenced a few times was Name Your Poison performed by the great Christopher Lee seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ9se8i4ujs&ab_channel=zimperliese Have you seen this film? Let us know and join the conversation! Email us [email protected] because why not. Until next time take care.

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