Tag Archives: Star Trek

Episode 53: Never forgetting a Legend! Leonard Nimoy

Episode 53: Never forgetting a Legend! Leonard Nimoy

It has been almost a year and a week since Leonard Nimoy passed. The cosplayer Scruffy Rebel did a photoshoot as a tribute to Leonard Nimoy and it inspired me to get an interview with her and others to remember Nimoy a year after his passing. In this episode I speak with, Victoria Schmidt (Scruffy Rebel), Kat Sky, Guy Davis, Fayth Hertzberg, Tawnya Holly, and Larry Nemecek to get their feelings and memories about Spock and Leonard Nimoy. So please join us for this memorial of thoughts to the Legend we will never forget Leonard Nimoy!

See some of Leonard Nimoy’s Poetry http://leonardnimoypoetry.com/
And photography http://www.rmichelson.com/Artist_Pages/Nimoy/pages/Leonard-Nimoy-Gallery.html

Follow Scruffy Rebel on Twitter https://twitter.com/scruffyrebel
and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/scruffyrebelcosplay/?fref=ts

Follow Kat Sky on Twitter https://twitter.com/Kat_Sky
and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OfficialKatSkyPage/?fref=ts

Follow Guy Davis’s USS Tamerlane https://twitter.com/usstamerlane
and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/usstamerlane/?fref=ts
Website for Tamerlane http://tapastic.com/series/Tamerlane

Follow Fayth on Twitter https://twitter.com/FaythHertzberg
Check out Fayth’s Faythful Creations page https://www.facebook.com/FaythfulCreations/?fref=ts

Check out Tawnya’s Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1513828342253462/

Follow Larry Nemecek on Twitter https://twitter.com/larrynemecek
And take a look at his website http://larrynemecek.com/
And Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/The-Trekland-Trunk-161224037419595/?fref=ts

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 52: Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy Potato

Episode 52: Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy Potato

This week we have finally fulfilled one of our goals when we started Synthaholics. This goal was for all of us to be almost drunk before recording! So in this extra fun installment of Synthaholics we talk about the Star Trek Voyager Episode Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy. This is an episode we all greatly enjoyed talking about because this is a Doctor episode and those are almost always strong episodes! What happens when your imagination gets the better of you? Do you think you would want to see fantasies of people you know or know of? We discuss all this, more, and we have a Riker Scores this week! We make some pretty strong assertions this episode so if you disagree or have a different opinion please write us so we can hear what it is you all think! If at all possible have a few drinks before listening and then grab another to consume while listening. Prepare for a wild ride on your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 51: The Wayward Vulcan in the Atomic age (Carbon Creek)

Episode 51: The Wayward Vulcan in the Atomic age (Carbon Creek)

It feels like a family reunion! The synthaholics are all back in the studio and it is a great feeling. It feels like it has been a long time since it’s just been the three of us. Carbon Creek is the topic of discussion this week. It has been quite some time since we have talked about an enterprise episode we thought this might be the perfect time!  We talk about the episode and it’s great call backs to some classic tv and David reflects a bit on how his opinion of the episode has changed over time. We have two listener emails we read and answer for this episode of Synthaholics. So if you have written us in the past few weeks you know who you are! If you haven’t emailed us you should! We will read it and answer it on the show! Well it’s our second Tuesday release we hope you enjoy your weekly shot of star trek on its brand new bat time but same bat channel!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 50: Dr. Trek and Enterprise in Space

Episode 50: Dr. Trek and Enterprise in Space

On this week’s Synthaholics I am joined again by Lydia Sherrer this time as guest co-host! Together we welcome Dr. Trek himself the one, the only, Larry Nemecek back to the show. This week we get updated on his Portal 47(Www.Portal47.net) and we talk a great bit about Enterprise In Space (http://www.enterpriseinspace.org/). We talk some general science fiction movies and how they inspire love of space in general like the Enterprise in Space project! We also briefly touch on the new Star Trek series as well as some Enterprise questions. It’s our 50th Episode guys! I hope you have a lot to drink tonight because this is our first big milestone and we hope you’ll be here for our 100th! This is the new Sythaholics release date so look for future episodes on this day rather than Sunday! Please check out more of Larry’s links below.

Follow Larry Nemecek on Twitter https://twitter.com/larrynemecek
And take a look at his website http://larrynemecek.com/
And Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/The-Trekland-Trunk-161224037419595/?fref=ts
Con of Wrath documentary. http://www.larrynemecek.com/conofwrath.htm
Enterprise in space on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EnterpriseInSpace/?fref=ts
Enterprise in space on Twitter https://twitter.com/EnterpriseSat
Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 48: Davis and Duncan at Synthaholics

Episode 48: Davis and Duncan at Synthaholics

We warmly welcome professional glutton for punishment, artist, and USS Tamerlane (http://usstamerlane.com/) creator Guy Davis back to the show! This week the four of us discus the classic Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Darmok. After we do our play by play of the episode and fall through a few rabbit holes on the way, we then do an in depth breakdown about Darmok itself, language, and technology. Guy brings us his personal fan theory on how such a culture is able to exist and function giving the way The Children of Tama communicate. Timba our arms wide! Bring us boose it is time to celebrate the communication of two cultures for the first time! You might want to drink more for this episode because it’s filled with metaphor! It’s time for your weekly venti shot of Star Trek!

Please check out Guy Davis links directly below to see his Tamerlane Comic and Facebook page and to see how you can support his work. Directly below that are all our links so if you haven’t ever given them a look there is no time like the present!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 47: Everybody do the Dinosaur!

Episode 47: Everybody do the Dinosaur!

Welcome one and all to our first Star Trek Voyager episode of the new year! In this episode we will discuss the season 3 episode Distant Origin! All of us at Synthaholics really seemed to enjoy this episode. David was probably the most surprised and how well this episode was written. It almost feels like a lost Next Generation Episode. Star Trek Timelines is now live and lots of fun we thought you should know since we have members from Disruptor Beam on the show in past episodes! We do something new and thank and named who gave us 5 star reviews on the show. So if you want a shout out on the show leave us a 5 star review on itunes! Now “open the door get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur” alone or with a loved one and with of course have your favorite beverage, alcohol, synthahol, or non alcoholic drink and enjoy your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 46: The Red Shirt Diaries Part 2

Episode 46: The Red Shirt Diaries Part 2

After only 10 Episodes we welcome Ashley Robinson (@AshleyVRobinson) and Jason Inman (@Jawiin) from The Red Shirt Diaries (www.theredshirtdiaries.com) and Geek History Lesson (http://geekhistorylesson.com) back to the show. We talk about the production of the Red Shirt Diaries and how many episodes they have left. We are also the first to bring you the fans the news on the future of The Red Shirt Diaries! David and Aaron get to build their ultimate Star Trek crew, inspired by the way Ashley and Jason did on their podcast Geek History Lesson! All this and more on this week’s Synthaholics! Have your blood wine and Andorian brandy to the ready, it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Check out The Red Shirt Diaries http://www.theredshirtdiaries.com/
Jason’s YouTube Chanel where you can find the Red Shirt Diaries https://www.youtube.com/user/Jawiin
You can follow Ashley and Jason on Twitter
Ashley Robinson https://twitter.com/AshleyVRobinson
Jason Inman https://twitter.com/Jawiin
Please check out geek history lesson! http://geekhistorylesson.com
Also please check out the below episode to see Ashley and Jason’s best Star Trek Crew!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 45: Aaron’s Tapestry

Episode 45: Aaron’s Tapestry

Fayth has successfully escaped barren rock that is Sherman’s planet! So she joins us for this week’s voyage into Star Trek. In our first episode Aaron only gave 4 of his favorite 5 episodes so this week we rectify that problem! This week we talk about the Star Trek The Next Generation episode Tapestry one of the very few Q episodes to not feature Q in the title of the episode! We give this episode our love as we do every week. This episodes also contains some personal stories from both Aaron and David! I know this has been a long time coming but the Riker Scores segment makes it’s triumphant return! Grab your Dom-jot stick, avoid any Nausicaan you see, grab your favorite drink, and hold on to your guramba it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 44: Guy Davis and the USS Tamerlane

Episode 44: Guy Davis and the USS Tamerlane

This week on Synthaholics Fayth has marooned herself on Sherman’s planet. The tribbles have eaten all the food and have gone after this power Cables on her ship! It is imperative that David and Aaron launch a rescue mission to save her from the doom that is Sherman’s planet! But first David and Aaron welcome Guy Davis to the show to talk with us about his Star Trek Webcomic USS Tamerlane. (http://usstamerlane.com/) Guy talks with us about how he first got into Star Trek, into drawing/comics, and how he got into doing a Star Trek comic. We discuss the pros and cons of drawing traditionally vs. drawing digitally and much much more. Please check out Guy’s Paetron page (https://www.patreon.com/GSDavisArt?ty=h) he has some goals so he can bring us Tamerlane twice a week and another that will bring Tamerlane and Springs to life with animation! Please support this amazing artist and passionate Trekkie! He also has a Facebook page specifically for the Tamerlane (https://www.facebook.com/usstamerlane/?fref=ts) Go give it a look! Please don’t forget to check out the rest of our links (including the Synthaholic’s Patreon) below! Now sit back grab some Romulan ale, Kanar or whatever wets your whistle! It’s time for Synthaholics!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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Episode 43: The Synthaholics Star Wars Holiday Special!

Episode 43: The Synthaholics Star Wars Holiday Special!

It’s that time of year the special time of year for Holidays Specials! You know what is special this holiday season Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens! So we at Synthaholics are giving you our SPOILERTASTIC two hour review and breakdown of the latest Star Wars movie! You should know by now that it’s mostly fun and games with us at Synthaholics but seriously this episode contains all the spoilers for Star Wars The Force Awakens so please wait to listen to this until after you have seen this movie if you do not want this spoiled! Please excuse our taking a break from Star Trek for this week! But never fear Star Trek references are sprinkled throughout! Grab your eggnog, champagne, wine, blood wind, blue bantha milk, scotch, kanar, or whatever type of Synthahol you fancy because it’s time for your weekly shot of Synthaholics!

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/
you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11
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