Tag Archives: Star Trek Lower Decks Veritas

Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Episode 284: Lower Decks Veritas

Aaron and David are back this week to discuss the next episode of Lower Decks “Veritas”. Before we get into Veritas we bring up the odd news that has been circulating this week about Paramount no longer working to produce Star Trek movies then the news that followed shortly after saying that that just wasn’t true. “Veritas” is an episode that jumps around a lot but it has some of the best references and laughs Lower Decks has offered up to this point. We also get our first legacy character making a cameo on the USS Cerritos. It’s time to pour yourself a cold glass of Romulan Whiskey, for your weekly shot of Star Trek! 

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