Tag Archives: Fayth Hertzberg

Episode 74: Beyond STDs

Episode 74: Beyond STDs

Fayth is Back! This week’s news we talk about the STD ship trailer and for our main course we talk Star Trek Beyond! This time we do our full normal podcast version of our Star Trek Beyond in depth SPOILERTASTIC discussion back in the “studio”  not in the car this time so this should sounds much better! This wouldn’t be Synthaholics without rabbit holeing so we also talk a little bit about our hopes, dreams, and fears for the next Star Trek film as well as compare this to other Trek films. Fear not your weekly shot of Star Trek is here!

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Episode 63: Galaxy Quest – Rabbit Holes within Rabbit holes!

Episode 63: Galaxy Quest – Rabbit Holes within Rabbit holes!

This week we talk Galaxy Quest one of the best Star Trek documentaries or Historical Documents of all time! Fayth, Guy, and David talk about this beloved film and have our most sidetracked episode to date with lots of little mentions of lots of different shows movies and the like. Fayth and David share some personal stories from their youth involving movie theaters! We also go into some of the behind the scenes info with Galaxy Quest and briefly speculate on the future of this beloved film. We hope this episode has a little bit for everybody. We hope you enjoy your weekly shot of Grabthar’s Hammer!
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