Tag Archives: CQB

Episode 267: The Expanse: Remember the Cant & CQB

Episode 267: The Expanse: Remember the Cant & CQB

Episode 267: The Expanse: Remember the Cant & CQB

This week we return to The Expanse! James Holden’s message broadcasts all over Ceres and is inciting riots. Detective Miller continues his search for Julie Mao. Miller tracks down Anderson Dawes, the leader of the O.P.A. On Earth Chrisjen Avasarala tricks her friend Franklin DeGraaf (the U.N. Ambassador to Mars) to reveal Mars’ stealth facilities. The survivors of the Canterbury are captured and questioned on the Martian warship Donnager. Aaron and Holly mourn the losses of Shed (aka Arthur ‘2 Sheds’ Jackson) during an attack from a mysterious stealth ship. Strap in for more exciting talk of The Expanse!

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