Tag Archives: Councillor Grace

Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Episode 221: The Matrix Revolutions

Spork, Detergent, and Dishwasher took a slightly different approach on this week’s episode, but they still can’t seem to agree on what the F*** is actually going on with this story! The final Showdown isn’t Neo vs Smith this time it’s Spork vs Detergent who will win the ultimate showdown at the end of the third movie? Can the mighty Dishwasher help them settle their differences? 

The last three weeks we Jacked into the world of The Matrix, explored it’s backdoors (you know which ones!), and finally found our exit… Will we even know what happened to Neo? Could there be a follow-up in our future or are we doomed to suffer a reboot? I mean, It would be hilarious if the next film is literally called “The Matrix Rebooted”! Let’s just hope that the Wachowski’s find a way to work Keanu Reeves back into the story!! 

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