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Episode 331: Cyberpunk Edgerunners 

Welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast this is episode 331 coming at ya. The dynamic duo of David and Brian take a visit to CDPR’s Night City in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Does this anime by studio trigger the hate Cyberpunk had in 2020 or does it give strength to how cool we all wanted Cyberpunk to be? Well in a world where it seems that animation is beginning to consistently be better than live action Edgerunners does not disappoint. To those of you who play Overwatch… Happy Overwatch 2 launch week! Until next time take care and for fun email us at [email protected]

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

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Episode 328: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 


Episode 328: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 

Hello there! Welcome back to episode 328 of the Synthaholics podcast! Hosts David and Brian switch it up in this action packed episode in place of reviewing they remember and reminisce on the greatest fantasy movies of all time The Lord of the Rings to remind themselves just how damn good middle earth can be before the rings of power series premieres. The ratings given are our highest yet. Also what’s turning into a normal segment is the surprise news! Anything you find interesting? Let us know email us at [email protected] because it’s definitely the best way.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 327: Stranger Things Season 4

Episode 327: Stranger Things Season 4

Hi there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 327! Join hosts David and Brian in this week’s action packed episode tune in to the hodge podge of comic-con news and our thoughts on the future of the Marvel and DCEU along with some other smaller stuff that came out of comic con and what we wish was revealed. With the pandamoanimum that is our lives we take a more chill approach with our main topic. We are talking about Stranger Things season 4 with a bit of seasons 1-3 sprinkled in. Until next time take care! Email us and get involved at [email protected] where we will read it on air.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 326: Thor Love and Thunder

Episode 326: Thor Love and Thunder

Hello there and welcome back to the Synthaholics podcast episode 326! Tune in this week while hosts David and Brian talk Thor Love and Thunder! Directed by the one and only Taika Waititi , someone who we think we will be bringing up more. Does lightning strike twice? For Thor it will but only one way to find out. It might take another watch of Ragnarok for Brian to decide.  Also talked about was a trailer that gave hope in humanity the Dungeon and Dragons trailer starring Chris Pine. What did you think of Thor Love and Thunder? Let us know and we will read it live! Take care and email us at [email protected]

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 309: Eternals

Episode 309: Eternals

Episode 309: Eternals 

Eternals is here and on episode 309 of the Synthaholics podcast we will talk about it! Hosts David and Brian have their first guest Brad! Also known as 100Servings in our Discord come join the conversation. Listen to the crew as they get easily distracted but also learn who the eternals are beyond the movie and learn that Galactus is actually a good guy. Don’t be a deviant and miss out on us breaking down the good and bad of Eternals. Also the original Dune is brought back to the spotlight but you will have to listen to hear those thoughts! If you have any thoughts, email us at [email protected] because why not. Until next time take care.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 306: Venom Let there be Carnage

Episode 306 Let  There be Carnage

Episode 306: Venom Let there be Carnage

The lively duo returns in the 306th episode of the Synthaholics podcast join David and Brian as they discuss Venom: Let there be Carnage. The best and worst romantic comedy they have seen this year. Let them do what a Zamboni does and clean the dirty layer while leaving the good stuff for you to enjoy spoiler free. Trust them to bring more enjoyment to you than the Venom movie did to them. Also listen to them as they trail off from the main topic and talk about the Flash and light speed and remember the red ones are stronger. We don’t know why context doesn’t matter.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 303: Free Guy

Episode 303: Free Guy

Episode 303 of the Synthaholics podcast is here! David and Brian guide you through their thoughts of the new action blockbuster Free Guy. Tune in as they in real time break free of the algorithm and delicately craft a review to positively and negatively represent this film. In a podcast without limits they are determined to become hero’s you deserve. It’s never too late to join them and enjoy.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 302: The Suicide Squad

Episode 302: The Suicide Squad

Episode 302: The Suicide Squad

Welcome to Episode 302 of the Synthaholics Podcast join David and Brian as they profess there fable on Suicide Squad did they like it? Did they hate it? Let us weasel our way into your hearts and detach your brain from life as they give you a show and tell about there feelings towards James Gunn’s Suicide Squad even though no one likes a show off unless what they are doing is dope. Be wary they talk about rats. Till next time enjoy.

To see the podcast live follow and to see us stream games follow us at Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/synthaholics

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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Episode 301: Loki

Episode 301: Loki

Synthaholics is back! In this early development change host David and new Synthaholics member Brian tackle the newest MCU series and Asgards hate to love God of mischief… LOKI! Come listen to us sing mostly praises of Loki as well as make many nexus events with our opinions as we call for Kevin Feige to make an appearance and ponder what the world would look like if we were all crocodiles. Remember the TVA is always watching so don’t become a variant and miss this thrilling new chapter in the Synthaholics Podcast.

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

 you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

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 If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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Episode 299: Tenet

Episode 299: Tenet

Episode 299: Tenet

Welcome to Synthaholics your weekly Inverted Podcast. Aaron and David talk about the most recent mind bending Christopher Nolan film Tenet. This is likely the best movie of 2020 seeing as not much got to come out in 2020. Tenet is a solid movie though we did have some questions about how things panned out in the film. We also have a listener email and do talk a little bit about the future of the podcast after our episode 300 break. So stay tuned for that email and news. Grab yourself a stiff drink, we hope you enjoy your weekly shot of mind bending, sci-fi action discussion.

Our music is provided by! http://warp11.com/ 

you can follow them at! https://twitter.com/warp11

If you would like to donate to us to help keep the show going please look at our Patreon


If you are a fan of Guy Davis and his art and comics you can support him at his Patreon 


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