Episdoe 215 Ice Pirates

Episode 215: Ice Pirates

Episode 215 Ice Pirates

Episode 215: Ice Pirates

Aaron and Holly pull David into the strange not so new world of Ice Pirates. Last week after joking about space herpes we got to the film where a space herpe is actually a thing. Ice Pirates is a huge mish mash of ideas, sets, costumes from a wide array of genre all inserted into a strange science fiction world where water is so rare it is the only thing that has significant value. Water is stored as ice and therefor ice pirates search for ships to rob them of their valuable ice water! In the film our heroes heist goes wrong and it sends them on a crazy adventure to find the seventh world. The seventh world is the one place in the universe that has a plentiful supply of water. Last week we joked about a ton of outtakes from before we recorded the episode. This week you’ll have plenty to listen to after the show is over. This week you get to be a fly on the wall to hear about what happens before we record.

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