Episode 52: Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy Potato

Episode 52: Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy Potato

This week we have finally fulfilled one of our goals when we started Synthaholics. This goal was for all of us to be almost drunk before recording! So in this extra fun installment of Synthaholics we talk about the Star Trek Voyager Episode Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy. This is an episode we all greatly enjoyed talking about because this is a Doctor episode and those are almost always strong episodes! What happens when your imagination gets the better of you? Do you think you would want to see fantasies of people you know or know of? We discuss all this, more, and we have a Riker Scores this week! We make some pretty strong assertions this episode so if you disagree or have a different opinion please write us so we can hear what it is you all think! If at all possible have a few drinks before listening and then grab another to consume while listening. Prepare for a wild ride on your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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