Episode 68: A Night or Seven in Sickbay

Episode 68: A Night or Seven in Sickbay

We are BACK!!!!!!!! Sorry about our absence. David was stricken with a serious case of Klingon Butt Fever! He is out of sickbay and recovering in his own quarters now! But we are back on a weekly basis thank you for sticking with us during David’s illness. And to celebrate Synthaholics triumphant return what better episode to tie in David’s illness and being a way then with the Enterprise episode A Night in Sickbay. Be sure to stick around after the outro for off topic but a fun serious conversation between Guy and David about the ending of Enterprise! This conversation evolved naturally out of the outtakes and so I didn’t want to try to cut and try to find a place to insert it earlier in the show  this is raw mostly unedited after show conversation! So we hope you enjoy! Alright grab your Klingon Butt Fever antibiotics your pain medication and most of all your drink of choice. It’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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