Episode 57: A Synthaholic Birthday! Has it been a year already?

Episode 57: A Synthaholic Birthday! Has it been a year already?

This week Aaron, Fayth, and David take a look back a year of being a Synthaholic. We talk some of our favorite moments over the past year. We talk about how we got started how Fayth became part of the show. We also look forward to what we hope will happen in the next year of being Synthaholics! Not only do we look forward we try to make predictions of how Trek will be in this coming year. Please join us as we blow out our one singular candle signifying our first birthday! Thank you everyone who has been with us for our first year we sincerely hope you will be with us for our second year and for all those just joining us we hope you stick around there never seems to be and end of Synthahol to consume! Time to grab a drink it’s time for your weekly shot of Star Trek!

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