Episode 53: Never forgetting a Legend! Leonard Nimoy

Episode 53: Never forgetting a Legend! Leonard Nimoy

It has been almost a year and a week since Leonard Nimoy passed. The cosplayer Scruffy Rebel did a photoshoot as a tribute to Leonard Nimoy and it inspired me to get an interview with her and others to remember Nimoy a year after his passing. In this episode I speak with, Victoria Schmidt (Scruffy Rebel), Kat Sky, Guy Davis, Fayth Hertzberg, Tawnya Holly, and Larry Nemecek to get their feelings and memories about Spock and Leonard Nimoy. So please join us for this memorial of thoughts to the Legend we will never forget Leonard Nimoy!

See some of Leonard Nimoy’s Poetry http://leonardnimoypoetry.com/
And photography http://www.rmichelson.com/Artist_Pages/Nimoy/pages/Leonard-Nimoy-Gallery.html

Follow Scruffy Rebel on Twitter https://twitter.com/scruffyrebel
and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/scruffyrebelcosplay/?fref=ts

Follow Kat Sky on Twitter https://twitter.com/Kat_Sky
and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/OfficialKatSkyPage/?fref=ts

Follow Guy Davis’s USS Tamerlane https://twitter.com/usstamerlane
and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/usstamerlane/?fref=ts
Website for Tamerlane http://tapastic.com/series/Tamerlane

Follow Fayth on Twitter https://twitter.com/FaythHertzberg
Check out Fayth’s Faythful Creations page https://www.facebook.com/FaythfulCreations/?fref=ts

Check out Tawnya’s Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1513828342253462/

Follow Larry Nemecek on Twitter https://twitter.com/larrynemecek
And take a look at his website http://larrynemecek.com/
And Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/The-Trekland-Trunk-161224037419595/?fref=ts

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